Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard’s Earthquake Quote

prune_the_vine_neville_goddard“I am the true vine and my father is the vine dresser, and I and my father are ONE. And the eternal vine is the human imagination and all things come out the human imagination. There is nothing in this world that is created, but what is created by the human imagination. Everything in the world.”

“You may say, did the earthquake come out – yes it did, EVERYTHING comes out of the human imagination. These are only pressures built up by man’s own wonderful human imagination and they MUST be released. You build a pressure and it is released. There is not a thing that’s creating anything in this world and God is your wonderful human imagination.”

“But do not treat it as something you must simply once a week observe, or once a day or once a year. Every moment of time you observe what you are imagining, because what you are imagining you are creating – morning – noon and night. And prune your tree and it will become a habit and you will prune it all through the night. And then in the not distant future HE who is the ETERNAL VINE will awaken and you are he. And you will know that he is God the father because God’s only begotten son will stand before you – and call you father.” – Neville Goddard


Neville Shares… How To Move From Desperate to Destined – Click Here

Download this Free Neville Goddard Audio Free Here – I Am The True Vine

How To Feel It Real

How To Guarantee You Get Your Goal by Neville Goddard

how to feel it real“When I speak of feeling, I don’t mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure: if you haven’t achieved your goal, you don’t have acceptance. And the reason you don’t have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it.”

“And if you are thinking of a goal, rather than thinking from the goal, you can do that for ten years and nothing will happen. But the instant you think from the goal, your world will change. And that can happen tomorrow. It can happen in an instant, but it can never happen from continuing to think in that older way.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from Sami’s Question – Click here


Feel It Real

Fixing Feel It Real Mistakes #1 – By Neville Goddard

how_to_feel_it_real_mistakes_neville_goddard“One of the greatest pitfalls in attempting to use the law of assumption is focusing your attention on things, on a new home, a better job, a bigger bank balance. This is not the righteousness without which you ‘die in your sins’.”

“Righteousness is not the thing itself; it is the consciousness, the feeling of already being the person you want to be, of already having the thing you desire.” – Neville Goddard

How I Manifested
My BMW 325i
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This Neville Goddard quote is from the book The Power of Awareness – Read It Free

Feel It Real

How To Feel It Real – Neville Goddard’s Teachings of Faith

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_what_is_faith“Faith is an experiment which ends as an experience. Experiment by believing you already have all that you desire, and you will have the experience.”

“Test yourself like my friend did. He experimented with the thought that the lady had a wonderful boyfriend. He then imagined hearing her tell him about the new man in her life. Then his experiment became her experience.” – Neville Goddard


This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Walk on The Water

Neville Goddard Quotes

The Lady of The Evening – Imagining for Others by Neville Goddard

imagining_for_others_neville_goddard_lady_of_the_evening“The lady of the evening is Christ making a living. Instead of condemning her, lift her up in your mind’s eye and see her affluent.”

“She can still play the same part if she so desires, but take her out of the gutter. And remember: God is doing everything that man is doing, for God is man and there is nothing but God in the world. When you can see this, you will live by it and change your world.” Neville Goddard


Source Lecture: Come O Blessed by Neville Goddard

Help With Manifesting Neville Goddard Quotes

The Only Acceptable Gift According To Neville Goddard Is?

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_abomination“The only acceptable gift is a joyful heart. Come with singing and praise. That is the way to come before the Lord — your own consciousness. Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, and you have brought the only acceptable gift. All states of mind other than that of the wish fulfilled are an abomination; they are superstition and mean nothing.”

“When you come before me, rejoice, because rejoicing implies that something has happened which you desired. Come before me singing, giving praise, and giving thanks, for these states of mind imply acceptance of the state sought. Put yourself in the proper mood and your own consciousness will embody it.” – Neville Goddard

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The 1948 Core Lecture #5 – Remain Faithful To Your Idea

Neville Goddard Quotes Speed Up Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – Five Simple Steps

how to feel it real“When you know who you really are, you will not envy anyone. How could you, when you know you are God, and they are only yourself pushed out? If tomorrow, something comes into your life that is not to your liking, do not accept it, for this fact blinds the I of imagination.”

“Remove the blindness by asking yourself what you would like, in place of what seems to be. Enter into that thought. Revel in it as though it were not a fact. Persuade yourself that it is. Believe in its reality and it will become your experience.” – Neville Goddard

Read How Neville Goddard DOUBLED My Income – Click Here

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Walk on The Water

Help With Manifesting

Worried? Here’s what Neville Goddard Says To Do

how_to_feel_it_real_imagine_for_others_neville_goddard“To worry about what you may have done, is to waste your creative power. You will reap the tares as well as the wheat, as every imaginal act fulfills itself. But start now to plant something lovely – not only for yourself, but for your neighbor, friend, or child.”

“Fall in love with the idea that he is happy and secure. Feel the satisfaction that comes when one recognizes his harvest, for if a harvest is not recognized, there is no satisfaction. But when you do something consciously and see your harvest, you will receive enormous satisfaction.” – Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard’s Almost Lost Secrets of Success – Imagining For Others – CLICK HERE

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Walk on The Water

Feel It Real

How To Feel It Real – Your Experiment Becomes Your Experience

how to feel it real neville goddard“Take me seriously. When you know what you want in life, construct a scene which would imply your desire is fulfilled. See it as clearly as possible. Feel its naturalness. Experiment until you know the scene and all it implies is real.”

“Now, to the degree that you believe in its reality, your experiment will become your experience. Do not stop there. Keep on imagining and share your results with others. Tell them how to free themselves from this bondage to Caesar.”


This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Walk on The Water

Neville Goddard Quotes

Do You Have The Neville Goddard Attitude?

neville goddard how to feel it real“Now, because you know this concept, don’t feel that you are better than someone else, you are creative power. Stand upon your tower and watch to see what God will say and how you will answer. Do this by assuming you are the person you want to be and seeing what you would see if your assumption was real. Remain there until you feel its certainty, until you reach the point of satisfaction, until you are convinced of its truth; and although the world may collapse around you, you will become that which you have assumed you are.” – Neville Goddard

This lesson in how to Feel It Real is from the Neville Goddard Lecture:

An Inner Conviction


Speed Up Manifesting

The Secret of Belief Matching by Neville Goddard

neville goddard belief matching and feel it real“All that you could ever desire is already present and only waits to be matched by your beliefs.  But it must be matched, for that is the necessary condition by which alone it can be activated and objectified.”

“Matching the beliefs of a state is the seeking that finds, the knocking to which it is opened, the asking that receives [Matthew 7:8; Luke 11:10].  Go in and possess the land [Exodus 6:4;8].”

“The moment man matches the beliefs of any state, he fuses with it, and this union results in the activation and projection of its plots, plans, dramas, and situations.” – Neville Goddard

This lesson in how to Feel It Real is from:

Neville Goddard – Awakened Imagination

Feel It Real

Judas or Jesus? Neville Goddard teaches how to Feel It Real

how to feel it real“The suicide of Judas is nothing more than changing your concept of yourself. When you know what you want to be you have found your Jesus or savior. When you assume that you are what you want to be – you have died to your former concept of self (Judas committed suicide) and are now living as Jesus.”

“You can become at will detached from the world round about you, and attached to that which you want to embody within your world… From this moment on you walk as though you were that which you formerly wanted to be. Remaining faithful to your new concept of yourself, you die or commit suicide. No one took your life, you laid it down yourself.”

 Neville Goddard – Core Lecture #2


Neville Goddard Quotes

Which US President Listened To Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard Richard Nixon“Eight years ago when Nixon ran against Kennedy, a friend of mine sent Nixon my phonograph record – at which time he wrote the lady and thanked her for it, saying that it had been added to his library and that he would have many moments of joy listening to it.”

“That year he lost the election. Two years later Nixon lost his bid for governor of this state, but four years later his dream came true. I am quite sure, with his background of listening to his inner voice, that my record – which was on the law and the promise – sparked something in him.”

“On the record, I spoke of the difference between thinking of your desire and thinking from it. When you think from your desire’s fulfillment and sleep feeling as though it were true, it becomes a fact. This is a simple technique to get things in this world.”

“Nixon didn’t win by an enormous majority, but he won. I firmly believe he did not just listen to my record once, but played it many times. When you know exactly what you want, you are thinking of your desire. Turn your thoughts around and think from its fulfillment. You can think of what you want and desire it forever, keeping it always beyond your reach; but when you think from its possession, your desire is yours.” – Neville Goddard


At Your Command Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard’s Teaching On Affirmations

at your command neville goddard“Can man decree a thing and have it come to pass? Most decidedly he can! Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his world and is today decreeing that which is appearing in his world and shall continue to do so as long as man is conscious of being man. Not one thing has ever appeared in man’s world but what man decreed that it should. This you may deny, but try as you will you cannot disprove it, for this decreeing is based upon a changeless principle.”

“You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be.” ~Neville Goddard

You have GOT to read this to speed up your manifesting:

Go to: Neville Goddard and Affirmations – Click Here

Source: At Your Command

Neville Goddard Quotes

How To Start Feeling It Real

how_to_start_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_supplant“Everyone has experienced single vision, but everything in this world started as a dream. The room you are in began as a dream in the mind of someone. Its plans were executed in the mind of another. Now it has entered the stream of reality we call fact, yet it is still a dream; for its origin was a dream and its end is a dream, as all things bring forth after their kind.”

“If you have a desire to supplant what you have now, you must start by assuming it is a dream. And when it objectifies itself and enters the stream of reality, may I tell you: it will still be dream.”

“Imagination is the creative power which can cause that which was not, to be! It can also cause that which is, not to be; therefore, it not only creates, but un-creates. This power is God.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture

Fourfold Vision by Neville Goddard

neville goddard quote

Who was the Mystery Man Neville Met in London?

neville goddard london“It was He who took me to London when I really wasn’t qualified to do it; and then in London to find a man — a retired engineer who liked the psychic world and introduced me to this way of thinking — just a little spark — it was all there.”

“He only had to put the spark to it; so when I came back, I was living in the second-hand bookstores in New York City. When I could afford a book, I’d buy a book. And when I traveled as a dancer, I traveled with my library.”

“When the others played cards through the day to kill the time between shows — for we did three of four shows a day — I was reading my books. And when they went out after the show at night doing some things, I would take my books, and I built my library that way when I could ill afford to buy a book. That’s the way I spent my money.” – Neville Goddard

Source:  Consigned to Disobedience


Neville Goddard Quotes

Was Neville Goddard an Ascended Master?

neville goddard ascended master“There are no Ascended Masters. Banish this superstition. You will forever rise from one level of consciousness to another; in so doing, you manifest the ascended level, expressing this newly acquired consciousness. Consciousness being Lord and Master, you are the Master Magician conjuring that which you are now conscious of being.” – Neville Goddard


The source of this Neville Goddard quote is:

Your Faith is Your Fortune by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard Quotes

Are You Confusing The Truth and The Facts by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_truth_facts“So when you walk in the feeling ‘I am so and so’, it is not seen as yet, but that is something you are bringing to the Lord, and the more you feel it to be real, the more natural it becomes. Then it clothes itself in external facts, but the external fact is not the truth of it. Truth and fact oppose each other. Truth does not depend upon fact.”

“Truth depends upon the intensity of your imagination. Therefore, if I actually am intense about it, that is true. I might tomorrow find a corresponding fact to bear witness – but, as I said earlier, let me not continue in that assumption and the fact will fade, proving it was not reality at all. Reality was in my assumption, and so truth depends not upon fact, but upon the intensity of imagination.” – Neville Goddard

The Feel It Real Toolbox – Click Here

Neville Goddard PDF Lecture – Feed My Sheep

Awakened Imagination

How To Escape Your Limitations by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_escape_limitations_neville_goddard“Desire exists to be gratified in the activity of imagination.”

“Through imagination, man escapes from the limitation of the senses and the bondage of reason.”

“There is no stopping the man who can think from the end. Nothing can stop him. He creates the means and grows his way out of limitation into ever greater and greater mansions of the Lord.”

“It does not matter what he has been or what he is. All that matters is – what does he want?” – Neville Goddard

You’ve Got To Read This $31,000 Feel It Real Success Story – Go To It Now – Click Here

Source: Neville Goddard – Awakened Imaginaion

Feel It Real

How To Feel It Real – Neville Goddard Gets A Massive Check By Changing His Inner Conversations

neville goddard inner conversations feel it real“Seemingly I had this conversation with my brother. Formerly I would argue mentally, — we were five thousand miles apart, — and I needed money at that time; and when I found myself arguing with him, I broke it — tore that entire record up. And whether he sent me a nickel or not, I loved him and praised him and thanked him, and went about my business, not knowing where the next was coming from, for I had spent a fortune by taking off one solid year and living at the same level that I had lived in previous years, and spent money like water.”

“Then came that moment I needed money. And inwardly I carried on a conversation with him, and I thought that’s a stupid thing to do; so I broke that record, and then I carried on the most glorious conversation with him, like two lovers, because I do love him and he loves me, And. I changed that “old man” into the “new man,” by changing my conversation with him, Do you know, in no time flat, — unasked, a very large wonderful check came to me? And no request; I didn’t appeal at all.”

“I was taking it out on the one I loved because I myself had spent the money like a drunken sailor. And then here inwardly I am arguing with my brother; and when I broke it and actually carried on the most loving conversation with him — all about the family life and all these marvelous things, suddenly out of the nowhere came a very large, wonderful check. And I didn’t appeal for it, So I am telling you from experience, I know it works this way.” – Neville Goddard



Neville Goddard – Mind and Speech