Feel It Real Manifesting Love

How To Feel It Real – Go Within And…

how_to_feel_it_real_go_within“The whole vast world is a field to reap. You don’t pick out this woman or that woman. Pick out the state. I want to be blissfully happy, and if I were, how would I see the world? And how would the world see me?”

“Well, shut out the world and go within and appropriate that state. And from within, you let your friends see you, as they would have to see you if what now you are assuming that you are is really true.” – Neville Goddard

How To Manifest Love
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Catch The Mood

Feel It Real manifest faster

Feel It Real – Pearl of Great Price

feel_it_real_pearl_of_great_price_neville_goddard“If you think for one moment you can hold on to one little thing in the event this doesn’t work, you can’t buy the pearl. And so when I buy the pearl, I go all out and live by it. And there is no other being in this world, just this pearl, and I live by it.  This pearl is your own wonderful human Imagination.” – Neville Goddard

Brian Bought The Pearl
Read This!

Watch this: The Pearl of Great Price Video

Go to: Linda’s I Bought The Pearl – Feel It Real Success Story

How To Feel It Real

What Is The Solution? by Neville Goddard

There is no limit to your creative power. The most horrible problem will be resolved if you will but conceive a solution in your mind’s eye. Anyone can do it. It doesn’t take an Einstein to imagine a problem is resolved. Do not limit your creative power by determining the ways and means for it to come about, for imagination has at its disposal ways that are past finding out.

Do not be concerned as to how, when, or where – only the end. If you are in debt, what is the solution? That you win the lottery or an uncle dies and leaves you his fortune? No! The end is that you are debt-free. How would you feel if all of your bills were paid? Assume that feeling and let imagination harden that feeling into a fact!

Every problem has a solution. Imagine the solution and assume it is true. What would you see and do were it true? How would you feel? Persist in that feeling and in a way no one knows the solution will come to pass.


Source:  Divine Signs by Neville Goddard

Help With Manifesting Neville Goddard Quotes

The Only Acceptable Gift According To Neville Goddard Is?

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_abomination“The only acceptable gift is a joyful heart. Come with singing and praise. That is the way to come before the Lord — your own consciousness. Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, and you have brought the only acceptable gift. All states of mind other than that of the wish fulfilled are an abomination; they are superstition and mean nothing.”

“When you come before me, rejoice, because rejoicing implies that something has happened which you desired. Come before me singing, giving praise, and giving thanks, for these states of mind imply acceptance of the state sought. Put yourself in the proper mood and your own consciousness will embody it.” – Neville Goddard

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The 1948 Core Lecture #5 – Remain Faithful To Your Idea

Feel It Real

Judas or Jesus? Neville Goddard teaches how to Feel It Real

how to feel it real“The suicide of Judas is nothing more than changing your concept of yourself. When you know what you want to be you have found your Jesus or savior. When you assume that you are what you want to be – you have died to your former concept of self (Judas committed suicide) and are now living as Jesus.”

“You can become at will detached from the world round about you, and attached to that which you want to embody within your world… From this moment on you walk as though you were that which you formerly wanted to be. Remaining faithful to your new concept of yourself, you die or commit suicide. No one took your life, you laid it down yourself.”

 Neville Goddard – Core Lecture #2


manifest faster

How To Feel It Real Faster – Do You Have The Sense Neville Says You Need?

how_to_feel_it_real_abundant_life_neville_goddard“The one requisite is to arouse your attention in a way, and to such intensity, that you become wholly absorbed in the revised action. You will experience an expansion and refinement of the senses by this imaginative exercise and, eventually, achieve vision in the inner world.”

“The abundant life promised us is ours to enjoy now, but not until we have the sense of the creator as our imagination can we experience it. ” – Neville Goddard

How To Speed Up Your Manifesting With Neville Goddard’s Feel It Real – The Three Doors

Click below to listen to and read along too:

How To Use Your Imagination

Help With Manifesting

If Life Seems Too Hard To Bear – Read This – Neville Goddard’s Philosophy

neville_goddard_philosophy_feel_it_real“If you will accept this as your philosophy of life, and not turn to the left or the right, but claim you are solely responsible for the phenomena of your life, you will find it much easier to live.”

“But if, at times, life seems too hard to bear, and you find a secondary cause, you have created a devil. Devils and satans are formed from man’s unwillingness to assume the responsibility of his life.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: How To Get What You Want Without Exactly Manifesting What You Want – Click Here

Source lecture: Freedom by Neville Goddard

Manifesting Money

Know What You Want And Occupy It – How To Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money_occupy_it“Tonight, know what you want and go right in and occupy it. Don’t ask anyone’s permission; just put yourself into the state you desire to experience by asking yourself this question: “How would I feel if I saw the world from that state?” Do you KNOW you can put yourself into any state?” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the lecture:

Conception – Lecture by Neville Goddard – 1968

Read more here: Why It Is Far Easier To Double Your Income Than Manifest A Million Dollars

At Your Command Neville Goddard Quotes

The Secret of Moving Your Attention – How To Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_at_your_command“All of your present beliefs, fears and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness. If you would transcend this level you must leave behind all that is now your present self, or conception of yourself. To do this you take your attention away from all that is now your problem or limitation and dwell upon just being. That is; you say silently but feeling to yourself, I AM.”

“Do not condition this ‘awareness’ as yet. Just declare yourself to be, and continue to do so, until you are lost in the feeling of just being – faceless and formless. When this expansion of consciousness is attained, then, within this formless deep of yourself give form to the new conception by FEELING yourself to be THAT which you desire to be.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Neville Goddard’s Almost Missing Manifesting Methods – Faceless and Formless

Learn How To Feel It Real – Get:   At Your Command by Neville Goddard Free – Click Here

Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

I Allowed it To Become A Little Boat – How Neville Goddard Actually Used Feel It Real

how_neville_goddard_feel_It_real_barbados“Right after the Second World War, I went to Barbados with my wife and daughter after purchasing only a one-way ticket there. Four months later I decided to arrange for my return passage, as I was scheduled to lecture on the first day of May. At that time there were only two ships servicing the dozens of islands, and, although my brother had tremendous power in the islands, he could not do anything toward getting us passage back to the United States. Hundreds of people were waiting on the list and I was informed that I could not get passage until the end of September. When I heard this I said to myself: All right, I’ll get out.”

“That afternoon I went to my hotel room, and sitting in an easy chair I allowed it to become a little boat. (You see, in those days there was no deep water harbor and little boats took us to ships which were anchored in the bay a mile or so away.) Assuming my chair was a boat taking me to the harbor, I felt the rhythm of the water, and when we were latched onto the big ship I allowed my brother Victor to carry my little daughter onto the ship. Then I helped my wife and followed her, feeling every step up the gangplank. When I got to the top my mind wandered, so I brought it back to the base of the steps and repeated the action.”

“Each time my mind wandered I brought it back again until I reached the top, turned, and holding the side of the ship I looked back nostalgically at the island of Barbados, for now we were sailing. In a matter of moments the phone rang and the agent told me that because of a cancellation they had just received from America my passage was available, and I could leave the end of April, the date I had just envisioned. On that day my brother carried my daughter up the gangplank, my sister-in-law followed, then my wife, and finally myself. They acted, but the source of their action was my imaginary act!” – Neville Goddard

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Source Feel It Real Lecture:  The New Christology

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Do You Know How Feel It Real Really Works?

how_feel_it_real_works_neville_goddard“So, all of a sudden, things will happen based upon what you are. You don’t have to will it. No, people are always trying to will things into being. It is not done willfully, nor even carefully. People gather around themselves everything, and they call themselves ‘careful operators. – taking advantage of. No! It is simply the core of integrity.”

“You come right down to: ‘Am I really that? Am I really serious?’ Well, if I am serious, I should see it all day long as I walk the earth. My friends know me as I am now. Any change in me, they will see the change; they will hear it through the grapevine, if suddenly something happens to Neville.”

“Whatever happens, one friend will tell another friend, and the other will tell another, and then finally they all will become aware of changes in me. Well now, let the change take place in me first, that I may see them in my mind’s eye.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  How To Feel it Real For Money – Special Series


Predestined Glory by Neville Goddard

Manifesting Money

What’s Better Than Doubling Your Income With Feel It Real?

neville_goddard_doulbe_income_feel_it_real_for_money“So are you free or a slave? If you know God’s law as this gentleman does, you can be as free as the wind. Just imagine a gentleman sitting at his desk contemplating doubling his income and out of nowhere a man he had seen weekly for three years, is the instrument through which this doubling occurs.”

“In spite of that he wants something more. He doesn’t want to work. So he keeps a date he made months before with a man who had just received an inheritance from an unknown relative who insists he share it with him. Then he urges upon him a check for the exact amount that he, over a period of two weeks, had removed from his unidentified envelope.”

“So he takes off and enjoys the entire summer doing nothing. Then a call comes from one he had never seen urging him to come see him and bring some of his work. The man introduces him to the man in the office that the gentleman had slipped into while sitting at his desk dreaming a dream.” – Neville Goddard

SAM DID IT!  Read Sam’s Super Success Story – Click Here

Go to:  Double Your Income With Feeling It Real

Source Lecture:

Free or Slave by Neville Goddard

manifest faster Speed Up Manifesting

I Once Imagined Something – But It Never Happenened.

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_i_am“Many times I have heard someone say: “I believe that imagining creates reality, but I once imagined something and it never came to pass.” Then I ask: “What are you doing, saying: ‘I once imagined it’ and not imagining it now?’ For God’s name is I am, not I did!”

“Always thinking of God as someone outside of himself, man finds it difficult to keep the tense, but God is the human imagination and there is no other God.”  – Neville Goddard

Learn How To Feel It Real:  Learn Revision – Change The Past – Here

Quote Source Lecture:  

What Are You Doing

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Your Rational Mind and Feel It Real

neville_goddard_rational_mind_feel_it_real“I am not speaking of anything rational in this world. I am speaking of a power that isn’t rational. The ‘rational mind’ is simply the interference between the being that you are, and this so-called world that you think so real. No; the rational mind – let it be what it wants to be.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:   Stop Blocking Your Blessings – How To Feel It Real Special Video

Source Lecture:

The Law of Identical Harvest

neville goddard quote

When You Revise A Conversation – What Happens Is…

neville_goddard_revision_actual_fact“What you think of with feeling or emotion is an actual fact. That which you experience in the physical world is merely a shadow, reflecting the reality of your imaginal activity.”

“Therefore, when you revise a conversation, an unhappy experience, or a quality about yourself, you are literally experiencing it in reality .” – Neville Goddard

What’s WAY better than a 24 Hour Success Story? Read this!

Learn more about Revision and How to Feel It Real – Go to:  Feeling It Real – Shadows and Facts

Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

What You Can Not Do With Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_believe“You can believe you are healthy, wealthy, successful, or a failure, and to the degree you accept this belief will you express the state. But fundamentally, what is your concept of God, for only as you seek his kingdom will you discover that God and his kingdom are one.”

“From this platform I teach that I and my Father are one. Being one, my Father can never be so far off as even to be near, for nearness implies separation. What is there in you that can’t even be near? Imagination! You cannot separate yourself from imagination.”

“You can’t claim: ‘I am’ and point to it as something on the outside. It is impossible to separate yourself from the sense of being, so in the sense of I AMness, you are imagining. If this sense of oneness is your Father, do you really believe in him? If so, to what extent does your confession in words conform to your deep, deep conviction?” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Neville Goddard Success Stories

This How To Feel It Real Lesson is from

Seek The Kingdom by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Neville’s Lost and Found Manifesting Method

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_lost_and_found“What is it that you have lost? Well, take it in your own mind’s eye and then mentally touch it and mentally appropriate it and feel that you have it, that it is yours now, and remain faithful to that assumption and see if the thing returns.”

“If the thing is recovered, you have proved that you have found Israel (a portion of him anyway) and you know how to take him and clothe him in such tones of reality that you can bring him to the Lord, for the Lord is your own wonderful consciousness.” – Neville Goddard

Enjoy these Neville Goddard Lost and Found Stories

The Lost and Found and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Success Story!

Lost And Found – Neville Goddard Success Story

Feel It Real manifest faster Neville Goddard Quotes

How To Feel It Real – Be Convinced

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_lesson“You must feel your desires are already realized, that they are already true, for the truth of any concept is known by the feeling of certainty that the thought is true. You will know that you are really ‘it’ by the feeling it inspires in you, for if you feel certain, you will act upon it.”

“If you don’t act you are not convinced, for God in you is your own wonderful human imagination and God is always acting! You may be physically incapacitated, but you are forever acting in your imagination, who is God, the Father of your life.”  – Neville Goddard

Not sure what to do? Go to:

Do I Do Something or Do Nothing?

This lesson on how to Feel It Real is from the Neville Goddard Lecture:

Infinite States – March 22, 1968

Feel It Real neville goddard quote

Neville Goddard How To Feel It Real

neville_goddard_how_to_feel_it_real_lack_vanish“All things exist in the human imagination, and all phenomena are solely produced by imagining.”

“Where there is no imagining, everything vanishes. If lack is now in your world, and you cease to be aware of it by imagining plenty, lack disappears; therefore, any modification in your body of belief will cause a change in your life.”  – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Eternal States by Neville Goddard

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Go to: The Neville Goddard Toolbox

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – Act Consciously

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_breathing“Until imagination becomes a part of your normal, natural currency of thought, you will not act consciously. Like breathing, this awareness must become so much a part of you that you will not turn to the left or the right to praise or blame anyone.”

“When you know this presence it will not matter if you started life behind the eight-ball, or in a palace; as a poor, or a rich child; you will realize that life is always externalizing what you are imagining.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  How To Reinvent You with Neville Goddard

Source Lecture:

Imagination Fulfills Itself by Neville Goddard