Neville Goddard Quotes

Stop Time – Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_quote_stop_time“If I am still in the machine, I think the good things come only by accident or chance. Let the wheel turn, for each must go through all the furnaces until he awakens and sees the whole universe as infinite response. The day will come when every person, at a certain degree of awakening, will freeze an activity within himself, and as it comes to a stop within him, that whole section is DEAD.”

“The laws of nature are only free action, repeated until they become accepted as a law. Yet you will see leaves in mid-air not falling, and people moving in space will cease to move but will not fall, for as you stopped the action within yourself the whole thing stopped.”

“And you will see the whole thing as Zion – the desert – and the only thing that makes it alive is the stone buried in it. But man becomes lost in the things he has made and gives to them the power.” – Neville Goddard

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Source:  Neville Goddard’s – The Foundation Stone

How To Feel It Real

I Remember When by Neville Goddard

i remember when by neville goddard“Start now to remember when your friend wasn’t well by imagining he is healthy. Remember when your daughter was single by imagining she is married. Go through life remembering when. Haven’t you heard people say: ‘Who does he think he is? I remember when he had nothing and was a nobody!’ Now, you may have heard a little jealousy in their tone and that is good because envy adds fire to the statement, which causes the one spoken of to have more! He may never know who caused his success, but it was done by an act of remembrance with intensity.” – Neville Goddard

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Source Lecture:  I Remember When – 1968 – Neville Goddard 

Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

There Are Levels and Levels of Imagination by Neville Goddard

feel it real - desire must be activated - neville goddard “All things are made by your imagination, for without imagining, nothing is made. Imagination is not limited to this level of consciousness. There are levels and levels of imagination, as your dreams and visions prove.”

“This world is sustained by Divine Imagining, which is human imagining on a higher level. Our imagination is keyed low, but we are called upon to exercise this power, to examine ourselves to see if we are keeping our faith.”

“On this level, faith is not complete until, through experiment, it becomes experience. Experiment with this statement: ‘Whatever you desire, believe you have received it and you will.’ (Mark 11) If faith is not complete until, through experiment it becomes experience, you must take an unseen objective and place it in an assemblage of mental states which would imply its fulfillment.”

“Then this desire must be activated by entering into its center, feeling its reality, and walking in the faith that it will happen. I tell you: in a way you could not devise, what you have assumed will come into your world.” – Neville Goddard


Source Lecture: Your Maker by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real

Simply Dare To Assume by Neville Goddard

simply dare to assume“Can you believe in this one and only foundation? If the word Jesus Christ offends you, use another. I love the word because I know its meaning. Jesus Christ is the power and the wisdom of God who is your own wonderful imagination.”

“Dare to assume that you have your desire. You may feel you do not have the wisdom to find the means to get it, but you do. If it takes one thousand or ten thousand people to play their parts to bring you into the embodiment of what you have assumed you are, they will play their parts, knowingly or unknowingly.”

“You don’t have to be concerned as to who is going to aid you. Simply dare to assume you are what you want to be, and you will compel everyone to play their part to bring about your assumption. That is life.” – Neville Goddard


Source: No Other Foundation by Neville Goddard

How To Feel It Real

What Is The Solution? by Neville Goddard

There is no limit to your creative power. The most horrible problem will be resolved if you will but conceive a solution in your mind’s eye. Anyone can do it. It doesn’t take an Einstein to imagine a problem is resolved. Do not limit your creative power by determining the ways and means for it to come about, for imagination has at its disposal ways that are past finding out.

Do not be concerned as to how, when, or where – only the end. If you are in debt, what is the solution? That you win the lottery or an uncle dies and leaves you his fortune? No! The end is that you are debt-free. How would you feel if all of your bills were paid? Assume that feeling and let imagination harden that feeling into a fact!

Every problem has a solution. Imagine the solution and assume it is true. What would you see and do were it true? How would you feel? Persist in that feeling and in a way no one knows the solution will come to pass.


Source:  Divine Signs by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard Shares How Easy Feel It Real Actually Is

feel it real easy and fast neville goddard“Start now to use your talent, which is your imagination. Use it consciously every day, for any time you use your imagination you are pleasing God; and when you do not use it God is displeased. You don’t have to sit down and burst a blood vessel pounding out the details of your desire. You can imagine as you walk down the street.”

“A simple assumption is easy and can be lots of fun. A friend called today to thank me for aiding her in the selling of her home. It was an enormous house in Highland Park, which had been empty for sometime. She had hired a lady to go to the house and do some cleaning there, when a man came to the door and asked to buy it. Two weeks later the house was sold. What did I do? I imagined hearing her tell me the house was sold. That’s all I did. There was nothing else I needed to do; for all things are possible to God, and he so loves me he abides by any request I make of him.”

“Try it. You will never disprove God’s law; and the more you consciously use your imagination, the more you please your husband, for you are wedded to the God of the universe.”


Source Lecture: The Forming of Christ In You

Neville Goddard Quotes

Are You Confusing The Truth and The Facts by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_truth_facts“So when you walk in the feeling ‘I am so and so’, it is not seen as yet, but that is something you are bringing to the Lord, and the more you feel it to be real, the more natural it becomes. Then it clothes itself in external facts, but the external fact is not the truth of it. Truth and fact oppose each other. Truth does not depend upon fact.”

“Truth depends upon the intensity of your imagination. Therefore, if I actually am intense about it, that is true. I might tomorrow find a corresponding fact to bear witness – but, as I said earlier, let me not continue in that assumption and the fact will fade, proving it was not reality at all. Reality was in my assumption, and so truth depends not upon fact, but upon the intensity of imagination.” – Neville Goddard

The Feel It Real Toolbox – Click Here

Neville Goddard PDF Lecture – Feed My Sheep

Awakened Imagination

How To Escape Your Limitations by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_escape_limitations_neville_goddard“Desire exists to be gratified in the activity of imagination.”

“Through imagination, man escapes from the limitation of the senses and the bondage of reason.”

“There is no stopping the man who can think from the end. Nothing can stop him. He creates the means and grows his way out of limitation into ever greater and greater mansions of the Lord.”

“It does not matter what he has been or what he is. All that matters is – what does he want?” – Neville Goddard

You’ve Got To Read This $31,000 Feel It Real Success Story – Go To It Now – Click Here

Source: Neville Goddard – Awakened Imaginaion

Neville Goddard Quotes

You Now Have A Law – Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_challenges“I am not promising you complete relief from all physical problems, but I have given you a law which will cushion the blows of life.”

“Things are going to happen and you will find all kinds of challenges, but you now have a law which states: Whatsoever you desire believe you have received it and you will.”

“That’s a law, which will never fail you and there is no limit to your power of belief. It’s entirely up to you as to how and when these revealed laws of God are used.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

I Remember When

Now Go to:  What is Really Possible With the Law Of Attraction

Neville Goddard Quotes

The Day You Stop Believing – Feel It Real

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_quote_fade“You must believe you are the one you would like to be, or you will never become it. Rather, you will remain what you believe yourself to be right now. Your belief is always externalizing itself on the screen of space. It has to, for it is in you and not out there.”

“When your belief becomes a fact and appears solidly real on the outside, it is because it is supported by you on the inside. The day you cease to believe in it, it will fade, for everything must be built on the foundation of belief. I believe I am a success.”

“I will remain a success only to the extent that I continue to believe I am. The day I stop believing, failure enters and success fades.” – Neville Goddard

Go To:  The 50 Best Neville Goddard Links and Videos


Neville Goddard – The Source PDF Lecture

Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

How To Feel It Real – Make A Pledge

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_pledge“You can take anything and test this power. Do it just for the fun of it. Hold a long-stemmed rose in your hand. Touch its velvety petals and smell its heavenly aroma.”

“Make a pledge to yourself that you will live by your imagination, for God has promised that you can assume a state and it will become a fact in his words: ‘Whatever you desire, believe you have received it and you will.'”.

“It can’t be stated any clearer than that. These are the words of an awakened man who is God, for every man who awakes in Jesus Christ is God, He who is forever extending himself.” – Neville Goddard

Let’s Celebrate: Dave’s Speedy Success Story – How I Eliminated My Debt With Feeling It Real

This lesson on how to Feel It Real is from:

Neville Goddard – The Ultimate Sense

Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

Reverse Your Thinking – Feel It Real

feel_it_real_reverse_your_thinking“You and I actually became human, that humanity may become spirit – as we are! You are not a little worm that God became. You were God before you devised the grand experiment, knowing it was the only way that man could become as you are!”

“Reverse your thinking!  Think of yourself as God and you will have an entirely different feeling about becoming man. Although certain passages of scripture are not understood on this level, their meaning will be revealed, for we made everything because we loved it.”

“Then we became man to raise and glorify our creations. We had to completely forget our true being in order to assume our creation and raise it to our level.”

This Feel It Real Quote is from:

God Became Man – Lecture by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real neville goddard quote

How Feel It Real Works – Neville Goddard

how_to_feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard“Now, in order to play the game of life, you must know what you want to replace what you have. When you know what it is, you must assume the feeling that you have it.”

“Although your reason and senses will deny its existence, persistence will cause your assumption to harden into fact and objectify itself upon your screen of space. Play the game this way.”

“You may think it doesn’t work, but that’s because you have not tried it. You may believe the idea is stupid, but I tell you: the mood decides your fortune. Believe me, for I have proved this principle over and over again in my life.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real lesson is from

The Game of Life by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real neville goddard quote

Feel It Real – Power is Love

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_love“There is no creative power comparable to love! I know, for I am one with that body; and when this aspect of myself is called dead, I will wear that body, for my dream is over….”

“Everyone will awaken from this dream to know he is love; for there is nothing but God and God is love.” – Neville Goddard

Click Here » Manifesting To The Max
This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

God Speaks To Man – Neville Goddard

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Manifesting Money

Feel It Real Quotes For Manifesting Money

feel_it_real_quote_manifesting_money_neville_goddard“If you need a certain amount of money and you have no collateral or anyone to turn to on the outside, will you trust the Lord your God to provide it for you? Knowing that all things are possible to God, will you turn to him in absolute confidence and trust, and mentally assume you had the money?”

Not being concerned as to how the money will come to you, will you test God’s power and wisdom by falling asleep aware of having the money? If you will, you are serving God and in a way your surface mind could not devise, the money will be yours.”

“Then, having tested the depths of your own being, you will know whom (not what) you have trusted. You will know whom you have believed. And that sure knowledge will vindicate your past trust. This is how God’s wonderful principle works.” – Neville Goddard

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This Feel It Real quote is from:

God’s Almighty Power – Neville Goddard Lecture

Feel It Real

Feel It Real Method of Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_method_neville_goddard“The first step in changing the future is DESIRE, that is, define your objective — know definitely what you want.”

“Secondly, construct an event which you. believe you would encounter FOLLOWING the fulfillment of your desire — an event which implies fulfillment of your desire — something which will have the action of Self predominant.”

“Thirdly, immobilize the physical body, and induce a condition akin to sleep by imagining that you are sleepy. Lie on a bed, or relax in a chair. Then, with eyelids closed and your attention focused on the action you intend to experience in imagination, mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action; imagining all the while that you are actually performing the action here and. now.”

“You must always participate in the imaginary action; not merely stand back and look on, but feel that you are actually performing the action so that the imaginary sensation is real to you.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from:

The 1948 Core Lectures of Neville Goddard – Remain Faithful To Your Idea

We explore and explain this method IN DETAIL in this special article series: The Almost Missing Neville Goddard Methods

manifest faster

Nothing By Accident – Neville Goddard Quotes

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_motion“My son actually put himself into the state of war by reading a book about Guadalcanal and falling in love with the pictures of the natives there! He certainly didn’t enjoy his experiences while there, but he asked for it. You see: nothing happens by accident. Everything that happens in the world does so because you and I set them in motion, whether we do it wittingly or unwittingly.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the lecture:

Conception – Lecture by Neville Goddard – 1968

Read more here: Why It Is Far Easier To Double Your Income Than Manifest A Million Dollars

Feel It Real manifest faster

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_state_of_vision“If you will become self-persuaded that your desire is already granted, even though it is denied by the outer senses it will become a fact. I do not know how it will objectify itself, or when; I only know that when imagination is raised to the state of vision, the thing is done.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the Lecture:

The State of Vision – Neville Goddard – 1968

Here is where it gets goood!

Notice how in Pam’s Paid In Full Neville Goddard Success Story this is exactly what he did, and how perfectly and quickly it worked. This is why we love Wayne Dyer’s mentor, Neville!

Feel It Real

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

Feel It Real Quotes by Neville Goddard“You don’t have to be a brilliant scholar to use your creative power. In fact, the more brilliant you are, the less you are likely to try it. The so-called brilliant mind believes only in that which is physical and visible, and therefore does not believe a desire can be fulfilled by a simple imaginal act.”

“But I know the power of imagining, for I have sat quietly in my chair in my living room, constructed a scene which implied the fulfillment of my desire, gave it all of the qualities of naturalness so that it felt right – and let it be. Then, just as I would drop a seed into the ground and wait for its maturity, my seed of desire matured and fulfilled itself in my world.”

This Neville Goddard Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Power and Wisdom – 1968 – Neville Goddard

Feel It Real

Revision Quotes by Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_quotes_neville_goddard_revision“If, for instance, you had gone to an interview for a job you truly wanted but later learned that someone else was hired, you can revise that news to make it conform to what you wish you had heard. If you react by feeling depressed or assume any other negative attitude, you will then experience the same type of rejection in the future.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote on Revision is from the lecture:


If you want to learn more about Revision, changing the past, and stopping bad cycles in your life read these articles:

What To Do When Things Don’t Go Your Way – Neville Goddard Revision Part 1

Revision – Breaking The Pattern of One Step Closer and Two Steps Back