Help With Manifesting

The Golden Rule by Neville Goddard

When man discovers this law of one consciousness he will understand the great wisdom of the golden Rule and so he will live by it and prove to himself that the kingdom of heaven is on earth.  You will realize why you should. ‘do unto others that which you would have them do unto you.'”

“You will know why you should live by this Golden Rule because you will discover that it is just good common sense to do so since the rule is based upon life’s changeless law and is no respecter of persons. Consciousness is the one and only reality.”

“The world and all within it are states of consciousness objectified. Your world is defined by your conception of yourself PLUS YOUR CONCEPTIONS OF OTHERS which are not their conceptions of themselves.” – Neville Goddard


Source:  Neville Goddard – Freedom For All – Chapter 7

Help With Manifesting

Neville Goddard – Seventy Times Seven

Neville Goddard Seventy Times Seven“Peter asked the question: ‘Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him, seven times?’ and the Lord answered: ‘I did not say seven, but seventy times seven.’ This does not mean four hundred and ninety times. Seventy is the numerical value of the Hebrew letter ayin, whose symbol is an eye. Seven is the numerical value of the Hebrew letter zayin, whose symbol is a sword.”

“Here we are being told to imagine until the eye is fixed as though nailed with a sword. It may happen the first time or it may take a thousand times to persuade yourself that things are as you desire them to be, and not as they appear to be. But, to the degree that you are self-persuaded that you have done it in your imagination, will the outer world reflect its harmony.”

“William James, a professor of psychology at Harvard, is one of our great educators. He said: ‘The greatest revelation in my generation is the discovery that human beings, by a change of inner attitude can produce outer changes in harmony with their inner convictions.'” – Neville Goddard


Source: Christ Is Your Life by Neville Goddard

Help With Manifesting

Hear Only The Lovely by Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_hear_lovelly“No matter what you hear of anyone, have no ears to hear it unless it is something lovely, for they are only discussing a state, and they are keeping that being in a state. Don’t listen. Pull everyone out, but don’t forget to pull yourself out.”

“Put yourself into the most glorious state of being successful, being wanted, being happy. You try it. I promise you it will not fail you.” – Neville Goddard

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Go to Source: You Can Forgive Sin by Neville Goddard

Help With Manifesting

Bridge of Incidents – Neville Goddard Quote

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_bridge_of_incidents“If you tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it – no, they will point to the series of events that led up to it, and they will give credit to the bridge of incidents, across which you walked towards the fulfillment of that state, and they will point out some physical thing that was the cause. No, the cause is invisible, for the cause is God, and God is invisible to mortal eye.”

“Who knows what you are imagining? No one knows, but you can sit down and imagine, and no one can stop you from doing it, but can you give reality to the imagined state? If you do, yes, a bridge of incidents will appear in your world, and you’ll walk across some series of events leading up to the fulfillment of the imaginal state. But don’t give causation to any physical step that you took towards the fulfillment of it.” – Neville Goddard


This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture:

Live In The End

Help With Manifesting Neville Goddard Quotes

The Only Acceptable Gift According To Neville Goddard Is?

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_abomination“The only acceptable gift is a joyful heart. Come with singing and praise. That is the way to come before the Lord — your own consciousness. Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, and you have brought the only acceptable gift. All states of mind other than that of the wish fulfilled are an abomination; they are superstition and mean nothing.”

“When you come before me, rejoice, because rejoicing implies that something has happened which you desired. Come before me singing, giving praise, and giving thanks, for these states of mind imply acceptance of the state sought. Put yourself in the proper mood and your own consciousness will embody it.” – Neville Goddard

End Manifestation Frustration
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The 1948 Core Lecture #5 – Remain Faithful To Your Idea

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Worried? Here’s what Neville Goddard Says To Do

how_to_feel_it_real_imagine_for_others_neville_goddard“To worry about what you may have done, is to waste your creative power. You will reap the tares as well as the wheat, as every imaginal act fulfills itself. But start now to plant something lovely – not only for yourself, but for your neighbor, friend, or child.”

“Fall in love with the idea that he is happy and secure. Feel the satisfaction that comes when one recognizes his harvest, for if a harvest is not recognized, there is no satisfaction. But when you do something consciously and see your harvest, you will receive enormous satisfaction.” – Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard’s Almost Lost Secrets of Success – Imagining For Others – CLICK HERE

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Walk on The Water

Help With Manifesting

If Life Seems Too Hard To Bear – Read This – Neville Goddard’s Philosophy

neville_goddard_philosophy_feel_it_real“If you will accept this as your philosophy of life, and not turn to the left or the right, but claim you are solely responsible for the phenomena of your life, you will find it much easier to live.”

“But if, at times, life seems too hard to bear, and you find a secondary cause, you have created a devil. Devils and satans are formed from man’s unwillingness to assume the responsibility of his life.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: How To Get What You Want Without Exactly Manifesting What You Want – Click Here

Source lecture: Freedom by Neville Goddard

Feeling Is The Secret Help With Manifesting

Is Prayer REALLY About ASKING for what I want or Am I Missing Something? Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_feeling_is_the_secret“Prayer is not so much what you ask for, as how you prepare for its reception. Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray believe that you have received them, and ye shall have them.'”

“The only condition required is that you believe that your prayers are already realized.  Your prayer must be answered if you assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your objective.”

“The moment you accept the wish as an accomplished fact, the subconscious finds means for its realization. To pray successfully then, you must yield to the wish, that is, feel the wish fulfilled.” – Neville Goddard – Feeling Is The Secret

Go to:

Ask And You Shall Receive – Speeding Up Manifesting

Go to:

Neville Goddard’s Teachings on Effective Prayer

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Do You Know How Feel It Real Really Works?

how_feel_it_real_works_neville_goddard“So, all of a sudden, things will happen based upon what you are. You don’t have to will it. No, people are always trying to will things into being. It is not done willfully, nor even carefully. People gather around themselves everything, and they call themselves ‘careful operators. – taking advantage of. No! It is simply the core of integrity.”

“You come right down to: ‘Am I really that? Am I really serious?’ Well, if I am serious, I should see it all day long as I walk the earth. My friends know me as I am now. Any change in me, they will see the change; they will hear it through the grapevine, if suddenly something happens to Neville.”

“Whatever happens, one friend will tell another friend, and the other will tell another, and then finally they all will become aware of changes in me. Well now, let the change take place in me first, that I may see them in my mind’s eye.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  How To Feel it Real For Money – Special Series


Predestined Glory by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Your Rational Mind and Feel It Real

neville_goddard_rational_mind_feel_it_real“I am not speaking of anything rational in this world. I am speaking of a power that isn’t rational. The ‘rational mind’ is simply the interference between the being that you are, and this so-called world that you think so real. No; the rational mind – let it be what it wants to be.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:   Stop Blocking Your Blessings – How To Feel It Real Special Video

Source Lecture:

The Law of Identical Harvest

Help With Manifesting

Did Neville Goddard Teach Affirmations?

neville_goddard_1948_lectures_free_download_prayerQuestion on how to Feel It Real: Do you use affirmations and denials?

Neville’s Answer: Let us leave these schools of thought that use affirmations and denials. The best affirmation, and the only effective one is an assumption which, in itself implies denial of the former state.

The best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does not exist. Rather you put feeling into it by recognizing it, and what you recognize as true, is true to you, be it good, bad or indifferent.” – Neville Goddard Quote

Learn how to Feel It Real – Go to:  Here’s What To Do Instead of Affirmations

Source: The Neville Goddard 1948 Lectures

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

What Does Revision Actually Do When Feeling It Real?

how_to_feel_it_real_revision_neville_goddard“The outer world is a delayed reflection of the inner and is confined to a dimension of space where events occur in a time sequence. Revision, then, literally changes the past.”

“It replaces what occurred in the outer world with the revised version. The revised scene then gives off its effect by going forth to change future events.” – Neville Goddard Quote

Go to:  Revise Your Reactions to ReCreate Your Reality

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – The Congratulatory Conversation

feel_it_real_congratulatory_conversation“So we sit quietly and we simply become imitators of our Father. And He called the world into being by being the thing he would call. And so we sit and we listen as though we heard someone congratulating us on having found what we seek.”

“So we go to the end of the matter and we listen just as though we heard, and we look as though we saw, and we try in this manner to feel ourselves right into the situation of our answered prayer, and there we wait in the silence just for about two minutes, and so they will lower the lights to aid you.” – Neville Goddard

Learn how to Feel It Real – Neville Goddard’s Toolbox

Source:  Changing The Feeling of I – 1953

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – Conjure a Living Mirror

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_living_mirror“Walk through this door tonight in the assumption that you are the man (or woman) you want to be. It doesn’t make any difference if the outside denies it; you have seen the expression on the faces of your friends and heard their congratulations on the inside, with faith.”

“Now, carry this feeling into the deep and persevere. Conjure a living mirror of friends and acquaintances who have heard your good news and accepted it as permanent. See your face reflected in theirs. If they love you, you will see empathy. They will be rejoicing because of your good fortune.” – Neville Goddard

Learn how to Feel It Real – Go to: How To Reinvent You


Feel Deeply – Neville Goddard – 1969

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – Neville Goddard’s Duck Story

neville_goddard_duck_story“Born in the little island of Barbados, we kept ducks and chickens for our own consumption. If mother wanted a pair of ducks for a Sunday dinner, ten days prior she would tell one of her nine sons to put a brace of ducks aside.”

“Now, our ducks were raised in the yard and fed on fish, which was cheap and plentiful – and not on corn, which had to be imported and was very expensive. We could buy a bucket of fish scraps for a penny, so we fed the chickens and ducks fish; consequently they smelled of and tasted like fish.”

“But if they were separated ten days or two weeks before you wanted them for dinner, and stuffed with corn and food of that nature, the entire texture of their flesh changed. During that interval of time however, they could not be given even a little bit of fish. They had to have a complete, radical change of diet.”

“If mother’s command was not remembered until perhaps four days before the meal everyone knew it, because when the birds were plucked and the heat began to express the birds, the entire neighborhood knew the Goddard’s were having fish for dinner, and no one could eat them. But if their diet was changed from fish to corn – and only corn for that interval of time – we had delicious ducks for dinner which tasted like ducks!”

“Now, although we are not ducks we do feed on ideas. Feed your mind a certain idea for one week and you will change its structure. Continue for two weeks and you will be well fed on lovely thoughts. You see, this is a fictitious world and you are its author. Nothing is impossible! It’s all fiction anyway, so live nobly and dream beautiful dreams; for you are all imagination, and your human imagination is the Lord God, Jesus – the Christ.” – Neville Goddard

Learn how to Feel It Real:


Anything You Want

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Neville’s Lost and Found Manifesting Method

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_lost_and_found“What is it that you have lost? Well, take it in your own mind’s eye and then mentally touch it and mentally appropriate it and feel that you have it, that it is yours now, and remain faithful to that assumption and see if the thing returns.”

“If the thing is recovered, you have proved that you have found Israel (a portion of him anyway) and you know how to take him and clothe him in such tones of reality that you can bring him to the Lord, for the Lord is your own wonderful consciousness.” – Neville Goddard

Enjoy these Neville Goddard Lost and Found Stories

The Lost and Found and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Success Story!

Lost And Found – Neville Goddard Success Story

Help With Manifesting

Your Dwelling Place – Neville Goddard Quotes

how_to_feel_it_real_dwelling_place“Are you thinking from the state you desire? Or is your dream just a passing fancy, a daydream you enjoyed for the moment and then dropped?”

“You can tell if you abide in your house of desire by watching your thoughts, for the state in which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place.”  – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Having Problems Manifesting? Let’s go ask Neville – Click Here

This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture:

Christ In You


Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Neville Goddard’s 4 Steps To Success

how_to_feel_it_real_lesson_neville_goddard_limits“I ask you to take me seriously. Imagination will fulfil itself, so do not limit yourself by anything that is now happening, no matter what it is.”

“Knowing what you want, conceive a scene which would imply you have it.”

“Persuade yourself of its truth and walk blindly on in that assumption.”

“Believe it is real. Believe it is true and it will come to pass. Imagination will not fail you if you dare to assume and persist in your assumption, for imagination will fulfill itself in what your life becomes.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote on how to Feel It Real is from the lecture:

Imagination Fulfils Itself

Did you notice the 5 steps to Feel It Real in this quote?

Take a moment, separate them out.  They will totally transform your world, because they are rock solid gold!

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – What You Must Do

how_to_feel_it_real_dormant_neville_goddard“My friend knows this law and has applied it beautifully time and time again; yet we are all careless and often think a problem will take care of itself, but it will not. The power to change anything will lie dormant unless we operate it, as Imagination does not operate itself.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: The Neville Goddard Toolbox

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Fourfold Vision by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_quote_2015“That is why we insist on establishing the basis of the Bible as Adam slept. That is the first creative act, and there is no record where he was ever awakened from this profound sleep. While he sleeps creation stops.”

“You change your future best when you are in control of your thoughts while in a state akin to sleep, for then effort is reduced to its minimum.”

“Your attention seems to completely relax, and then you must practice holding your attention within that feeling, without using force, and without using effort.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote comes from the Neville Goddard Lecture: Assumptions Harden Into Fact

Learn more about how to manifest faster with this principle here:  Neville Goddard and The Law of Reverse Effort

New Article: The Best Way To Determine Your Future – Click Here