Neville Goddard Quotes

You Are God – Neville Goddard

stop believing in god start believing as god neville goddard“Do not be embarrassed when I tell you that you are God. Instead, walk believing you are that important. You don’t have to become arrogant, but you must assume you are God. Think about it! Stop believing in God and start believing as God. Do this and the visions will come to confirm your assumption.” – Neville Goddard

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Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

How To Feel It Real – Self Persuasion

how_to_feel_it_real_self_persuasion_neville_goddard“The secret is to imagine to the point of self-persuasion. Can you believe what you are imagining?”

“There are not two of you – you and Imagination! You are not reshaping a piece of pottery when you imagine, but yourself!”

“You are moving into your desire. If you persist until you see exactly what you want to see, fix your position with the glue of feeling and remain there – it will be reflected on the screen of space, just as your world is now reflecting the fixed state from which you are viewing it.” – Neville Goddard



This Neville Goddard quote is from

There Is No Fiction – Courtesy of

Neville Goddard Quotes

How To Create Heaven on Earth by Neville Goddard

“Only accept such states as true of others that you would willingly accept as true of yourself that you may constantly create heaven on earth. Your heaven is defined by the state of consciousness in which you live, which state is made up of all that you accept as true of yourself and true of others. Your immediate environment is defined by your own conception of yourself plus your convictions regarding others which have not been accepted by them.”

“Your conception of another which is not his conception of himself is a gift returned to you. Suggestions, like propaganda, are boomerangs unless they are accepted by those to whom they are sent. So your world is a gift you have given to yourself. The nature of the gift is determined by your conception of yourself plus the unaccepted gifts you offered others. Make no mistake about this; law is no respecter of persons. Discover the law of self-expression and live by it; then you will be free. With this understanding of the law, define your desire; know exactly what you want; make certain that it is desirable and acceptable.” – Neville Goddard


Source:  Neville Goddard – Freedom For All – Chapter 7

Neville Goddard Quotes

The Spiral Principle of Neville Goddard

neville goddard the spiral principle“You came into this world to experience its horrors, not to change them. Our politicians promise to eliminate war and poverty, yet admit that they have sold over 13 billion dollars in conventional arms to poverty-ridden nations, as have the communist world. Our politicians have forced nations who can’t afford to feed themselves, to buy what we are manufacturing.”

“Then, with a pious look, ask people to sign papers to stop war. But you can’t stop it. This world was never intended to be other than what it is: a world of poverty, a world of war, a world of dirty politics, a world of graft. Just read the papers and you will see what is taking place in high places. You aren’t going to change it; it will go on and on because the story of Christ is one of redemption. He redeems himself by lifting himself out of this world in a spiral motion.”

“This world is based upon a circular principle which repeats itself over and over again, whereas redemption is based upon a spiral principle. Breaking away from the wheel of recurrence, one moves up in a spiral motion – like the seraphim – and is redeemed. We are told that: As the lightening shines from the east to the west so will the coming of the son of man.” – NEVILLE GODDARD 
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Go to Source:  I Am The Cause by Neville Goddard

manifest faster

Desire by Neville Goddard – How To Feel It Real

neville_goddard_how_to_feel_it_real_desire“When the desire is upon you, that is the time to accept your wish in its fullness. Perhaps there are reasons why the urge is given you at this time. Your three-dimensional being may think it cannot be now, but your fourth dimensional mind knows it already is, so the desire should be accepted by you as a physical fact now.”

“Suppose you wanted to build a house. The urge to have it is now, but it is going to take time for the trees to grow and the carpenter to build the house. Although the urge seems big, do not wait to adjust to it. Claim possession now and let it objectify itself in its own strange way. Do not say it will take six months or a year.”

“The minute desire comes upon you, assume it is already a fact! You and you alone have given your desire a time interval and time is relative when it comes to this world. Do not wait for anything to come to pass, accept it now as though it were and see what happens.” – Neville Goddard

Source:  The 1948 Lectures – Questions and Answers

Neville Goddard teaches how to feel it real.

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Help With Manifesting

Bridge of Incidents – Neville Goddard Quote

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_bridge_of_incidents“If you tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it – no, they will point to the series of events that led up to it, and they will give credit to the bridge of incidents, across which you walked towards the fulfillment of that state, and they will point out some physical thing that was the cause. No, the cause is invisible, for the cause is God, and God is invisible to mortal eye.”

“Who knows what you are imagining? No one knows, but you can sit down and imagine, and no one can stop you from doing it, but can you give reality to the imagined state? If you do, yes, a bridge of incidents will appear in your world, and you’ll walk across some series of events leading up to the fulfillment of the imaginal state. But don’t give causation to any physical step that you took towards the fulfillment of it.” – Neville Goddard


This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture:

Live In The End

Feel It Real

How To Feel It Real – Your Experiment Becomes Your Experience

how to feel it real neville goddard“Take me seriously. When you know what you want in life, construct a scene which would imply your desire is fulfilled. See it as clearly as possible. Feel its naturalness. Experiment until you know the scene and all it implies is real.”

“Now, to the degree that you believe in its reality, your experiment will become your experience. Do not stop there. Keep on imagining and share your results with others. Tell them how to free themselves from this bondage to Caesar.”


This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Walk on The Water

Neville Goddard Quotes

Do You Have The Neville Goddard Attitude?

neville goddard how to feel it real“Now, because you know this concept, don’t feel that you are better than someone else, you are creative power. Stand upon your tower and watch to see what God will say and how you will answer. Do this by assuming you are the person you want to be and seeing what you would see if your assumption was real. Remain there until you feel its certainty, until you reach the point of satisfaction, until you are convinced of its truth; and although the world may collapse around you, you will become that which you have assumed you are.” – Neville Goddard

This lesson in how to Feel It Real is from the Neville Goddard Lecture:

An Inner Conviction


Neville Goddard Quotes

Which US President Listened To Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard Richard Nixon“Eight years ago when Nixon ran against Kennedy, a friend of mine sent Nixon my phonograph record – at which time he wrote the lady and thanked her for it, saying that it had been added to his library and that he would have many moments of joy listening to it.”

“That year he lost the election. Two years later Nixon lost his bid for governor of this state, but four years later his dream came true. I am quite sure, with his background of listening to his inner voice, that my record – which was on the law and the promise – sparked something in him.”

“On the record, I spoke of the difference between thinking of your desire and thinking from it. When you think from your desire’s fulfillment and sleep feeling as though it were true, it becomes a fact. This is a simple technique to get things in this world.”

“Nixon didn’t win by an enormous majority, but he won. I firmly believe he did not just listen to my record once, but played it many times. When you know exactly what you want, you are thinking of your desire. Turn your thoughts around and think from its fulfillment. You can think of what you want and desire it forever, keeping it always beyond your reach; but when you think from its possession, your desire is yours.” – Neville Goddard


neville goddard quote

Who was the Mystery Man Neville Met in London?

neville goddard london“It was He who took me to London when I really wasn’t qualified to do it; and then in London to find a man — a retired engineer who liked the psychic world and introduced me to this way of thinking — just a little spark — it was all there.”

“He only had to put the spark to it; so when I came back, I was living in the second-hand bookstores in New York City. When I could afford a book, I’d buy a book. And when I traveled as a dancer, I traveled with my library.”

“When the others played cards through the day to kill the time between shows — for we did three of four shows a day — I was reading my books. And when they went out after the show at night doing some things, I would take my books, and I built my library that way when I could ill afford to buy a book. That’s the way I spent my money.” – Neville Goddard

Source:  Consigned to Disobedience


Neville Goddard Quotes

The Real Reality of Neville Goddard –

neville_goddard_reality_army_polk“You know what you want. You hurt no one, but you must turn to God. And God is your own wonderful human imagination. Choose this day whom you will serve. And they answered ‘We choose the Lord’. You are witnesses against yourself that you have chosen the Lord. We are witnesses against ourself for the Lord’s only name is I AM. Well, who was actually assuming that he was, in his own apartment 2,000 miles away? I AM. I am assuming I am where physically I am not.”

“But the reality of me is not this, the reality of this speaker is his imagination. And I must be where I am in imagination. So the body was in Camp Polk, the reality of me was in that apartment of mine in New York City. You will take this story and multiply it thousands of times. But here, while you are here I would like to make it so clear that you and you alone are responsible for your own selection.”

“I can teach you the law, that’s the law in the nutshell, what I’ve just told you, but I cannot get behind you and say “No, not that, take this”. I can’t guide your ship. I must leave you to your choice and warn you it carries a risk unless you take your wonderful code and surround it.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  The 50 Best Neville Goddard Links and Videos

Source Neville Goddard Lecture for this quote:

The Secret of The Sperm

Neville Goddard Quotes

Why You Can’t Possibly Be A Victim by Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_quote_about_you“You are the animating power of the universe. All things were made by you and without you was not anything made that was made, for you are life itself. This I know from experience.”

“The universe is alive in you. It has no life on the outside. It is yours to animate, to stop, to let go, and stop again. Blake was right when he said: “God only acts and is in existing beings or men,” for God is the only actor, acting imaginatively in the human imagination.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: The 50 Best Neville Goddard Links and Videos

Source lecture: Enter The Dream

Help With Manifesting

Your Dwelling Place – Neville Goddard Quotes

how_to_feel_it_real_dwelling_place“Are you thinking from the state you desire? Or is your dream just a passing fancy, a daydream you enjoyed for the moment and then dropped?”

“You can tell if you abide in your house of desire by watching your thoughts, for the state in which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place.”  – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Having Problems Manifesting? Let’s go ask Neville – Click Here

This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture:

Christ In You


Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Neville Goddard’s 4 Steps To Success

how_to_feel_it_real_lesson_neville_goddard_limits“I ask you to take me seriously. Imagination will fulfil itself, so do not limit yourself by anything that is now happening, no matter what it is.”

“Knowing what you want, conceive a scene which would imply you have it.”

“Persuade yourself of its truth and walk blindly on in that assumption.”

“Believe it is real. Believe it is true and it will come to pass. Imagination will not fail you if you dare to assume and persist in your assumption, for imagination will fulfill itself in what your life becomes.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote on how to Feel It Real is from the lecture:

Imagination Fulfils Itself

Did you notice the 5 steps to Feel It Real in this quote?

Take a moment, separate them out.  They will totally transform your world, because they are rock solid gold!

neville goddard quote

Neville Goddard Stops Time – Again

neville_goddard_stops_time_feel_it_real“I can describe this power in words, but its true feeling must be experienced. One evening, while sitting in MacArthur Park, I watched a man walk by, stand on a corner, and light a cigarette.”

“Then I arrested that power in me and the match remained lit, yet did not burn beyond the place it was only a moment before.”

“The man, standing as a statue, appeared to be totally unaware of the lighted match, while the park took on the stillness of death. Then I released the power within me and watched the man blow out the match, throw it away, and continue to walk with the others. When you are clothed with the power from on high you feel it, and these things happen to you.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: The Top 50 Neville Goddard Links and Videos

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Power and Wisdom – Neville Goddard – 1968

Speed Up Manifesting

How To Pray The Neville Way – Neville Goddard Quotes

now neville goddard prayed“Now when you pray you must immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, for the word “pray” means, Motion towards; accession to; at or in the vicinity of.”

“Point yourself towards the wish fulfilled and accept that invisible state as reality. Then go your way knowing the desire is now yours. You did it and you will not be surprised when it comes to pass.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture There is No Fiction

Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

How To Change Anything with Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_quote_repentance“If imagining creates reality, and you practice repentance by radically changing your mind, you can take anything that displeases you and change it.”

“Then persuade yourself that the change is real. Expect it to mold itself in harmony with what you are thinking, and the man, woman, or room, will bear witness to your repentance.” – Neville Goddard

Featured:  How To Bury The Old You

Source Lecture: Perception

Go to:  David’s $20,000 Success Story

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Neville Goddard Feel It Real Quotes

neville_goddard_feel_it_real_quote_2015“That is why we insist on establishing the basis of the Bible as Adam slept. That is the first creative act, and there is no record where he was ever awakened from this profound sleep. While he sleeps creation stops.”

“You change your future best when you are in control of your thoughts while in a state akin to sleep, for then effort is reduced to its minimum.”

“Your attention seems to completely relax, and then you must practice holding your attention within that feeling, without using force, and without using effort.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote comes from the Neville Goddard Lecture: Assumptions Harden Into Fact

Learn more about how to manifest faster with this principle here:  Neville Goddard and The Law of Reverse Effort

New Article: The Best Way To Determine Your Future – Click Here

Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard Quote – Wisdom Of God

neville_goddard_quote_wisdom_of_god“The patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew only sheer power, but Moses knew God as I AM. Revealing himself as power, then as I AM, when God’s son calls you father, you will know who you really are. This is the wisdom of God as opposed to the wisdom of man.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Power and Wisdom – Neville Goddard – 1968

Neville Goddard Quotes The Power Of Awareness

Make Your Future Dream A Present Fact

how_to_feel_it_real_power_of_awareness_quotes“All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. You must want to be different and intend to be before you can begin to change yourself. Then you MUST MAKE YOUR FUTURE DREAM A PRESENT FACT.”

“You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. By desiring to be other than what you are, you can create an ideal of the person you want to be and assume that you are already that person. If this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable.” – Neville Goddard

Now go to: The Fundamentals of Feel It Real