Manifesting Money

More Than Enough Money – Plenty To Spare – How to Feel It Real

feel it real for money“Now let me share with you two stories that were waiting for me when I returned from Barbados recently. This gentleman said: “A co-worker and I have lunch almost every day together. For some time he spent the entire lunch period telling me about his financial problems, and although I appeared to be interested, I really wasn’t, and wondered to myself how he could possibly believe the things he was telling me.”

“After hearing the same stories over and over again, I decided that indifference was not the answer, and I must do something about it, so in February of this year I began to listen with my inner ear. I began to hear him tell me he had more than enough money with plenty to spare.”

“In May he told me he came into an inheritance. He didn’t say how much, but the first thing he did was to buy himself a cabin cruiser that sleeps four. Then he sent his oldest son off to college, made extensive repairs on his home, bought himself a new wardrobe and a new car. But more important to me, I discovered that my awareness has power; that indifference is not enough – I have to act! My friend acted and As he did it unto one of the least of these, he did it unto me.” – Neville Goddard 

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Prosperity Pack
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Source Lecture:  Come O Blessed by Neville Goddard

Manifesting Money

Know What You Want And Occupy It – How To Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money_occupy_it“Tonight, know what you want and go right in and occupy it. Don’t ask anyone’s permission; just put yourself into the state you desire to experience by asking yourself this question: “How would I feel if I saw the world from that state?” Do you KNOW you can put yourself into any state?” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the lecture:

Conception – Lecture by Neville Goddard – 1968

Read more here: Why It Is Far Easier To Double Your Income Than Manifest A Million Dollars

Manifesting Money

What’s Better Than Doubling Your Income With Feel It Real?

neville_goddard_doulbe_income_feel_it_real_for_money“So are you free or a slave? If you know God’s law as this gentleman does, you can be as free as the wind. Just imagine a gentleman sitting at his desk contemplating doubling his income and out of nowhere a man he had seen weekly for three years, is the instrument through which this doubling occurs.”

“In spite of that he wants something more. He doesn’t want to work. So he keeps a date he made months before with a man who had just received an inheritance from an unknown relative who insists he share it with him. Then he urges upon him a check for the exact amount that he, over a period of two weeks, had removed from his unidentified envelope.”

“So he takes off and enjoys the entire summer doing nothing. Then a call comes from one he had never seen urging him to come see him and bring some of his work. The man introduces him to the man in the office that the gentleman had slipped into while sitting at his desk dreaming a dream.” – Neville Goddard

SAM DID IT!  Read Sam’s Super Success Story – Click Here

Go to:  Double Your Income With Feeling It Real

Source Lecture:

Free or Slave by Neville Goddard

Manifesting Money

Do We Need Money According To Neville Goddard?

neville_goddard_1948_lectures_feel_it_realQuestion about Feel It Real: “Why should one who works hard in metaphysics always seem to lack?”

Neville’s Answer: “Because he has not really applied metaphysics. I am not speaking of a mamby-pamby approach to life, but a daily application of the law of consciousness. When you appropriate your good, there is no need for a man, or state, to act as a medium through which your good will come.”

“Living in a world of men, money is needed in my every day life. If I invite you to lunch tomorrow, I must pick up the check. When I leave the hotel, I must pay the bill. In order to take the train back to New York my railway fare must be paid. I need money and it has to be there. I am not going to say, ‘God knows best, and He knows I need money.’ Rather, I will appropriate the money as though it were!”

“We must live boldly! We must go through life as though we possessed what we want to possess. Do not think that because you helped another, someone outside of you saw your good works and will give you something to ease your burden. There is no one to do it for you. You, yourself must go boldly on appropriating what your Father has already given you.” – Neville Goddard – 1948

Dive Deeper! Get The Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack Now – Click Here

Go to:  The 50 Best Neville Goddard Links and Videos

Source: The 1948 Lectures of Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Manifesting Money

Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_quote_knowingly“There is nothing God cannot do! Do not think that one who is fabulously rich has an influx of spirit which differs from yours. He is imagining wealth, either wittingly or unwittingly; but you can do it knowingly.”

“If he does not know what he is doing, he can lose his wealth and not know how to recover it. I am asking you, regardless of your financial situation, to assume wealth, knowingly.” – Neville Goddard

Go To: If You’ve Manifested Something Bad – Do This Now

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Persistent Assumption – 1968 – Neville Goddard

Manifesting Money

The Jimmie Fuller Story – Neville Goddard Quote

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money_skin_neville_goddard“You can start now from scratch and choose the being you want to be. You aren’t going to change the pigment of your skin but you will find your accent or the pigment of skin or your so-called racial background will not be a hindrance.

For if a man is ever hindered it can only be the state of consciousness in which he abides that hinders him. Man is freed or constrained by reason of the state of mind in which he persists.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture Changing The Feeling of I and you can read the full story of Jimmie Fuller here: The Full Jimmie Fuller Story and How To Feel It Real for Money

Manifesting Money

Feel It Real For More Money – Neville Goddard Quotes

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money_5_neville_goddard“Nothing has ever happened to you that you did not set in motion in your imagination. I tell you: you can be anything you want to be, but when you voice your request, your desire must be genuine.”

“You must so want it that you are willing to remain faithful to your change in position.”

“You cannot assume you have your desire for one little moment and then return to your former state, for if you do you are a double-minded man and will not receive anything from the Lord (as told us in the Book of James).”

“If you want to be successful in business, you can. I don’t care how many creditors you owe, or what the bank says you have; if you assume success and persist in that assumption you cannot fail. This is the law by which everyone lives.” Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture The Creator and is featured in this How To Feel It Real For Money – Part 5 – Article and Video

Manifesting Money

It’s God’s Pleasure – Feel It Real For Money

feel_it_real_for_money_neville_goddard_3“Creation is finished! It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. The parable of the prodigal son is your answer.”

“In spite of man’s waste, when he comes to his senses and remembers who he is, he feeds on the fatted calf of abundance and wears the robe and ring of authority. There is nothing to earn.”  – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture Neville Goddard Core Lectures Q and A and is featured in this Manifesting More Money Article.

Manifesting Money

How To Feel It Real For Money

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money_neville_goddard_2“The average man will say: John Brown did it, or the storm, or the president. Only a few will confess that their success or failure was created in their imagination.”

“But I tell you: Christ in you creates your life, for you are all imagination and your imagination can be used for good or for evil.” – Neville Goddard

This lesson on How To Feel It Real for Money is from the Neville Goddard lecture:

God’s Plan of Redemption

It is featured in this Manifesting More Money Article.

Manifesting Money

Feel It Real For Money – Oahu Success

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money_6“A friend recently told me that he started his little restaurant in Oahu with only $180 in the bank and many debtors. This was just a few years ago. Tonight, the estimated value of his business is over $100,000. He started his business in a very small manner, maintaining his conviction that it was a success, and things happened to make it so; but they were not the cause. His success was caused by his imagination.”

“When things were beginning to go slow he would remember the law. He remembered that the negative things which were happening were caused by his thoughts so he changed them, and now has this wonderful opportunity for expansion.”  – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddad quote is from the lecture:

The Creator – Neville Goddard PDF

And is featured in this Manifesting More Money Article – Click here

Feel It Real Manifesting Money

How To Feel It Real – Tithing

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_tithing“Tithing is necessary and you do tithe with God. But from now on give to the only God and see to it that you give him the quality that you desire as man to express by claiming yourself to be the great, the wealthy, the loving, the all wise.”

“Do not speculate as to how you shall express these qualities or claims, for life has a way that you, as man, know not of. Its ways are past finding out. But, I assure you, the day you claim these qualities to the point of conviction, your claims will be honored.” – Neville Goddard


At Your Command by Neville Goddard

Manifesting Money

How To Feel It Real For Money?

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_rose“And so, you need money? No, you don’t. I share with you what I have discovered. All you need is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. That’s all that you need to do, because He is within you.  Though asleep, He still grants the wish, for that is His Law.”

“Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Though reason denies it, though your senses deny it, don’t waiver in that assumption. You assume it. Persist in the assumption, and that assumption will harden into reality, if you call reality these concrete things in the world. But really, these are the shadows.” – Neville Goddard

This how to Feel It Real lesson is from:

His To Give – Yours To Receive by Neville Goddard

Learn in DETAIL how to Feel It Real for Wealth – Click Here

Manifesting Money

Neville Manifest’s $350,000 with Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money_neville_goddard_350000“Here in this audience tonight there is a gentleman. He started a business in Chicago in March of this year. If you knew the market in the month of March as you know it today, it was at the lowest point in years. Stocks tumbled and tumbled day after day, many dropping ten or fifteen points a day; and on paper billions and billions were lost. As far as the mind goes, they were lost. There was no market to raise money for business. He needed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to launch this business. It is a manufacturing business, manufacturing special instruments―technical. No one had any money,–no individual, no group.”

“He went through the month of March, April; and then in May he called me from Chicago to tell me he was too close to picture. He couldn’t use his imagination because he was too close to it, and all the negative arguments the papers gave you, the brokers gave you, friends would give you,–everything printed that the financial situation gave you looked forward to a greater and greater depression. He couldn’t stop it.”

“So, I heard what he had to say: he wanted two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I said, ‘All right, I will hear it for you. I will now reverse the entire conversation from you wanting two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to a conversation that tells me that you have your two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and I will persuade myself of this so-called invisible, and therefore unreal state. When I am self-persuaded of the reality of what the world would say to be unreal, it’s done, and it will not fail! I will do it now.’”

“So, he hung up. I did not leave the phone until I was self-persuaded that he had called me and told me of the good news that he had his two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to launch this new venture in these special things that he is making.”

“Well, he is here in the room tonight, and last night he gave me a letter setting forth the highlights of this entire state. I have given you the first three: it was incorporated in the month of March. The need was two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. March and April went by; and in May he didn’t panic, but everyone simply turned him down. There was no such thing as a money market.”

“Then he called me, and I’ve told you the exact conversation between the two of us. He is here in this City now; and in this statement he said: “Out of the blue, a broker called me and told me he heard of this new venture, he had investigated it, examined it, and he would like to underwrite it for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” which he agreed to.”

“As he agreed to have this company underwrite it for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, friends then called and asked if they could buy a hundred thousand dollars’ worth of shares when he had shares to sell; and to that, he agreed.”

“So, his need was two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and he has raised between the call in May and this day three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And they say because of the market, because of this, or because of that, it can’t be done.” – Neville Goddard

Read the rest of this Feel It Real Success Story of Neville’s here:  He Is Dreaming Now

And notice how the special 3 step formula almost hidden in it here:  How To Feel It Real and Manifest More Money – Part 1

Feel It Real Manifesting Money

How To Feel It Real For Money

how_to_feel_it_real_for_money“When people ask me about my success, I must say, that I believe it is because I have never made making money my goal: My goal is the wise, productive use of money”.

“This man’s inner conversations are based on the premise that he already has money, his constant inner question: the proper use of it. The inner conversations of the man struggling to ‘get’ money only prove his lack of money.” – Neville Goddard

Manifest More Money in your life with these step by step articles and videos:

Creating With Inner Conversations

How To Create Financial Freedom with Neville Goddard’s Feel It Real

Make Manifesting Easy
Step By Step – Click Here

Manifesting Money

Feel It Real Quotes For Manifesting Money

feel_it_real_quote_manifesting_money_neville_goddard“If you need a certain amount of money and you have no collateral or anyone to turn to on the outside, will you trust the Lord your God to provide it for you? Knowing that all things are possible to God, will you turn to him in absolute confidence and trust, and mentally assume you had the money?”

Not being concerned as to how the money will come to you, will you test God’s power and wisdom by falling asleep aware of having the money? If you will, you are serving God and in a way your surface mind could not devise, the money will be yours.”

“Then, having tested the depths of your own being, you will know whom (not what) you have trusted. You will know whom you have believed. And that sure knowledge will vindicate your past trust. This is how God’s wonderful principle works.” – Neville Goddard

Dive Deeper! Get The Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack Now – Click Here

This Feel It Real quote is from:

God’s Almighty Power – Neville Goddard Lecture

Manifesting Money

Two Ladies Feel It Real for Money

feel_it_real_manifesting_money_quote“Let me tell you of two ladies who came to my meetings, one here on the West Coast and the other in New York City. Both ladies were financially embarrassed. They had no money and no one to turn to. All I asked them to do was assume the feeling of financial security.”

“One lady immediately began to search for the feeling of security. Every day she imagined having all the money she needed to take care of her desires. Then one day she visited a friend, where she met a man she had known intimately 30-odd years ago. When he learned she was penniless, he set up a trust fund for her, providing her with more than she needed to live graciously.”

“When the other lady heard the story she, too, began to assume she had plenty. She told me that in the matter of one week, money began coming in. What did they do? They used their human imagination.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Quote is from the Lecutre:

God’s Plan of Redemption – Neville Goddard
Manifest More Money with it here: Special Lesson from the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack

Manifesting Money

Manifesting Money – Neville Goddard Quote

manifest_money_neville_goddard_quotes“In my own family, my brother Victor befriended a man who, at the end of his life, left a very large sum of money to him. Victor had a consuming desire to have money and he never had a divided mind.”

“He wanted wealth more than anything and believed that money was power. He was tired of poverty and, dreaming wealth, his world was populated with people bringing opportunities to make more and more money.” – Neville Goddard

This Manifesting Money quote is from the lecture:

The Creator – Nevile Goddard – 1967

If you want to Nevillize and Feel It Real more effectively, read this article – Are You Double or Single Minded?

Manifesting Money

Manifest Money Quotes of Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_quote_secret_of_prayer“One day a friend told me that when she was a child, her father would say: “If you have but a dollar and it was necessary for you to spend it, do so as if it were a dry leaf, and you the owner of a boundless forest.” If one really knows how to pray, he could spend his dollar and then reproduce it again. You see, this world is brought into being by man’s imagination, so it is very important to learn the secret of prayer.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote on money is from the lecture:

The Secret of Prayer

Learn how to manifest more money faster in this special article:  How Do You Imagine Money Is?

Manifesting Money

Neville Goddard Lottery Win Quote

assume_that_feeling_neville_goddard_quote“If you are in debt, what is the solution? That you win the lottery or an uncle dies and leaves you his fortune? No! The end is that you are debt-free. How would you feel if all of your bills were paid? Assume that feeling and let imagination harden that feeling into a fact!”

“Every problem has a solution. Imagine the solution and assume it is true. What would you see and do were it true? How would you feel? Persist in that feeling and in a way no one knows the solution will come to pass.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Divine Signs

Manifesting Money

Speedy Manifesting Quotes by Neville Goddard

neville goddard“Become identified with that character and feeling and you will be amazed how quickly you will realize your dream. The only sacrifice you are called upon to make, is to give up your present concept of self and appropriate the desire you want to express.” Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

The 1948 Neville Goddard Core Lectures

It is explored in this Feel It Real article: Manifesting More Money – The 7 Word Blessing Blocker