neville goddard quote

When You Revise A Conversation – What Happens Is…

neville_goddard_revision_actual_fact“What you think of with feeling or emotion is an actual fact. That which you experience in the physical world is merely a shadow, reflecting the reality of your imaginal activity.”

“Therefore, when you revise a conversation, an unhappy experience, or a quality about yourself, you are literally experiencing it in reality .” – Neville Goddard

What’s WAY better than a 24 Hour Success Story? Read this!

Learn more about Revision and How to Feel It Real – Go to:  Feeling It Real – Shadows and Facts

When You Revise a Conversation What Happens Is...
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When You Revise a Conversation What Happens Is...
“What you think of with feeling or emotion is an actual fact. That which you experience in the physical world is merely a shadow, reflecting the reality..."
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Neville Goddard Quotes
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