Feeling Is The Secret Help With Manifesting

Is Prayer REALLY About ASKING for what I want or Am I Missing Something? Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_feeling_is_the_secret“Prayer is not so much what you ask for, as how you prepare for its reception. Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray believe that you have received them, and ye shall have them.'”

“The only condition required is that you believe that your prayers are already realized.  Your prayer must be answered if you assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your objective.”

“The moment you accept the wish as an accomplished fact, the subconscious finds means for its realization. To pray successfully then, you must yield to the wish, that is, feel the wish fulfilled.” – Neville Goddard – Feeling Is The Secret

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Ask And You Shall Receive – Speeding Up Manifesting

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Neville Goddard’s Teachings on Effective Prayer

Neville Goddard Quotes

The Sabbath – Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_quotes_sabbath“You are told it happened on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is only the mystical sense of stillness, when you are unconcerned, when you are not anxious, when you are not looking for results, knowing that signs follow and do not precede.”

“The Sabbath is the day of stillness wherein there is no working. When you are not working to make it so you are in the Sabbath. When you are not at all concerned about the opinion of others, when you walk as though you were, you cannot raise one finger to make it so, you are in the Sabbath.”

“I cannot be concerned as to how it will be, and still say I am conscious of being it. If I am conscious of being free, secure, healthy, and happy, I sustain these states of consciousness without effort or labor on my part. Therefore, I am in the Sabbath; and because it was the Sabbath he rose and walked.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  The 50 Best Neville Goddard Quotes and Links

This Neville Goddard Quote is from:

Thinking Fourth Dimensionally

neville goddard quote Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard Quotes On Prayer

feel_it_real_quote_acceptance_feeling“When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. Feeling grateful, fulfilled, or thankful, it is easy to say, “Thank You,” “Isn’t it wonderful!” or “It is finished.”

“When you get into the state of thankfulness, you can either awaken knowing it is done, or fall asleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture:
Go to:  Are Half Truths Blocking Your Blessing?

This Feel It Real Quote is from:

The Neville Goddard Core Lecture – Questions and Answers

We also dive deep into it here in this article:

Neville Goddard Teaches How To Pray

Speed Up Manifesting

Neville Goddard Prayer Quotes

neville_goddard_quote_prayer_surrender“Prayer is to be contrasted with an act of will.  Prayer is a surrender. It means abandoning oneself to the feeling of the wish fulfilled.  If prayer brings no response – there is something wrong with the prayer and the fault lies generally in too much effort.”

“Serious confusion arises insofar as men identify the state of prayer with an act of will, instead of contrasting it with an act of will.” – Neville Goddard

It is from a Rare Radio lecture of Neville’s – Answered Prayer

It is featured in Neville Goddard’s Secret Feeling Formula and in Leigh’s Super Ocean Swim – Feel It Real Success Story – Click Here