neville goddard quote

What is Your Satan by Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_satan“It is said that Jesus was opposed by Satan. Do you know who is Satan is? The word means opponent; opposite. The world, reflecting the opposite of what you want to see, is your opponent, your Satan or the devil. That’s all the word means.”

“Turn this stone into bread if you think you are the creative power of the universe. Fall off this mountain if you think you are the creative power of the world, for did he not say he would give his angels power to lift you up if you dashed your foot against a stone? Then, turning from the doubting mind, Satan vanished.”

“Everyone has a Satan. Allow reason to tell you something cannot be done and Satan dwells in that doubting thought. The moment you accept Christ as the reality and creative power of the world, Satan is present, and to that degree Satan is taking advantage of salvation.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Is There Really a Big Bad Boogie Man Blocking Your Blessings?

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Who Is Satan? by Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_satan_devil“The word Satan means doubt. Desiring a certain state, reason may tell you it will be difficult to attain, and your friends may say it is impossible. If you listen to them and doubt your desire’s fulfillment, Satan has made himself known to you.”

“Your protractors – God and Satan – are always with you, for one is faith and the other doubt.”

“Can you imagine you are the one you would like to be, and remain faithful to that assumption? If you can and do, it will appear, and you will realize that its spiritual cause was the moment of assumption. ” – Neville Goddard

Go To: Neville and the Devil – Is there really a boogie man out there blocking your blessing? – Free Neville Goddard

Source: The Spiritual Cause by Neville Goddard