“CERTAIN WORDS in the course of long use gather so many strange connotations that they almost cease to mean anything at all. Such a word is imagination….”
“… I identify the central figure of the Gospels with human imagination, the power which makes the forgiveness of sins, the achievement of our goals, inevitable….”
“…Imagination is the very gateway of reality…”
“…I know of no greater and truer definition of the Imagination than that of Blake. By imagination we have the power to be anything we desire to be…”
Go to: How To Do A Feel It Real Session – The Single Act
Excepted from: Awakened Imagination – Download or Read It Here

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Do You Know Neville Goddard's Definition of Imagination?
"CERTAIN WORDS in the course of long use gather so many strange connotations that they almost cease to mean anything at all. Such a word is imagination...."
Neville Goddard
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Neville Goddard Quotes
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