Feel It Real Neville Goddard Quotes

Feel It Real Happens So Naturally

how_to_feel_it_real_happens_so_naturally“Even after it happened I could hardly believe that it would not have happened anyway. That’s how strange this whole thing is.”

“On reflection, it happens so naturally you begin to feel or to tell yourself, ‘Well, it would have happened anyway,’ and you quickly recover from this wonderful experience of yours.  It never failed me if I would give the mood, the imagined mood, sensory vividness.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Rare How To Use Your Imagination Neville Goddard Record – It’s in the BONUS section in the middle of the page!

Feel It Real Happens So Naturally
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Feel It Real Happens So Naturally
"Even after it happened I could hardly believe that it would not have happened anyway. That’s how strange this whole thing is."
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Neville Goddard Quotes