Health and Healing

Neville Goddard Student Cures Cancer With Revision

neville_goddard_cures_cancer_feel_it_real“About ten days ago my wife told me of a little girl only fourteen months old who had developed lumps on her neck which – when the doctor removed and tested a lump – there were signs of cancer. Three specialists had been brought in and each separately had declared the child had cancer. Only one doctor, looking at the results questioned the verdict, but they were keeping the child in the hospital for further examination.”

“As I listened to her story I cued my wife’s voice out to the point that I couldn’t even hear what she was saying, but hearing her voice, I reconstructed the story and heard its revision in my minds eye. That night as I fell asleep I listened again and heard my wife tell me the revised story.”

“A few days later the doctors made another test from another lump and the vote was unanimous, the child did not have cancer. And since they had performed no remedial treatment in the hospital, they determined she never did have cancer, for without treatment the child could not have overcome the condition. When my wife heard the new verdict she told the grandmother and the mother what I had done, but they could not believe that an imaginal act has any power of causation.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  Is It Possible To Cure Cancer With Feeling It Real – Full Article – Click Here

Source lecture:

The Power Called The Law by Neville Goddard

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Neville Goddard Cures Cancer With Revision
"That night as I fell asleep I listened again and heard my wife tell me the revised story. A few days later the doctors made another test from another lump and..."
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