manifest faster

How To Speed Up Feeling It Real by Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_how_to_feel_it_real_faithful_four“I cannot honestly tell you I have always succeeded. My many mistakes in this world, my many failures would convict me if I told you that I have so completely mastered the movements of my attention that I can at all times remain faithful to the idea I want to embody.”

“But I can say with the ancient teacher, although I seem to have failed in the past, I move on and strive day after day to become that which I want to embody in this world. Suspend judgment, refuse to accept what reason and the senses now dictate, and if you remain faithful to the new diet, you will become the embodiment of the ideal to which you remain faithful.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  How Can I Speed Up My Manifesting When My Daily Affairs Get in The Way?

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

The 1948 Lecture Series – Thinking Fourth Dimensionally

How To Speed Up Feeling It Real by Neville Goddard
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How To Speed Up Feeling It Real by Neville Goddard
"Although I seem to have failed in the past, I move on and strive day after day to become that which I want to embody in this world. Suspend judgment, refuse to accept what reason and the senses now dictate, and if you..."
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Neville Goddard Quotes
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