Health and Healing

How To Feel It Real – The Bakery Story of Neville Goddard

how_to_feel_it_real_for_others_bakery_neville_goddard“Last Friday night, this sweet lady told me this story. She went into the baker to buy the usual things that we buy when we go to a bakery, and the lady who waited on her didn’t look well. She, without asking the reasons for her present appearance, in her own mind’s eye, when she got home, talked to her as though she stood before her physically.”

“She didn’t sit down, she didn’t relax, didn’t go into a trance, she just brought her before her mind’s eye and heard her say that she felt so well, and she complimented her on the way she looked. She looked so well. This was a communion between two souls, how she looked so well. And she believed in the reality of her imaginal act.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  How To Feel It Real For Another – Speedy Manifesting

How To Feel It Real - The Bakery Story of Neville Goddard
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How To Feel It Real - The Bakery Story of Neville Goddard
"She didn't sit down, she didn't relax, didn't go into a trance, she just brought her before her mind's eye and heard her say..."
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Neville Goddard Quotes
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