Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Feeling It Real For Others #1

how_to_feel_it_real_for_others_neville_goddard“Many a man is a failure today because no one ever believed he could be otherwise.”

“So I say to you: if you believe that there is only one being and only one cross, you will lift the cross from a seeming other.” – Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard’s Almost Lost Secrets of Success – – Imagining For Others Click Here

Go To: Why We Always Imagine For Others – Do We Need Their Consent?

Source Lecture:

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real For The Impossible

how_to_feel_it_real_manifest_the_impossible“I urge you to dream nobly. Although your dream may seem impossible, invite it into your consciousness by feeling it is real. Wear this feeling as you would a suit of clothes, and persist until the feeling takes on the tones of reality. Do that, and in a way no one knows, your desire will appear as an eruption of your continuous thought. – Neville Goddard

End Worry and Fear While Manifesting Click Here

Source: Live The Answer Now by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – Act Consciously

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_breathing“Until imagination becomes a part of your normal, natural currency of thought, you will not act consciously. Like breathing, this awareness must become so much a part of you that you will not turn to the left or the right to praise or blame anyone.”

“When you know this presence it will not matter if you started life behind the eight-ball, or in a palace; as a poor, or a rich child; you will realize that life is always externalizing what you are imagining.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  How To Reinvent You with Neville Goddard

Source Lecture:

Imagination Fulfills Itself by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

If You’ve Made A Mistake – Feel It Real

how_to_feel_it_real_mistake“You don’t have to remain in a state if you have made a mistake. You can change states morning, noon, and night, but the state to which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place.”

“It is from there you are going to live and perpetuate until you move in thought.” – Neville Goddard

Learn how to Feel It Real – Go to The Neville Goddard Toolbox

Infinite States by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – It’s The Doing

how_to_feel_it_real_negative_conversation“So I ask you to really apply it. Don’t think for one second that knowing what to do is going to do anything for you. It’s the doing it that matters. So, if every moment of time you know what to do, then do it.”

“If you find yourself carrying on any negative conversation, break it, even though it gives you pleasure, as it does many people; they find such fun in being critical. They think they are alone and no one sees them; so it doesn’t matter.”

“No one sees you? The only One that matters sees you every moment of time, and that’s your Father. He sees into the very depths of your Being, and He knows exactly what you are doing. And your world is built out of these inner conversations.” – Neville Goddard

Go to: Help Me! I’ve been studying LOA for 5 Years And Can’t Make It Work

Source for today’s Feel It Real Quote:

Control Your Inner Conversations – Mind and Speech – Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Feel It Real Secret of The Sabbath #2

how_to_feel_it_real_neville_goddard_sabbath_2“The Sabbath is only the mystical sense of stillness, when you are unconcerned, when you are not anxious, when you are not looking for results, knowing that signs follow and do not precede.”

“The Sabbath is the day of stillness wherein there is no working. When you are not working to make it so you are in the Sabbath.”

“When you are not at all concerned about the opinion of others, when you walk as though you were, you cannot raise one finger to make it so, you are in the Sabbath.”

“I cannot be concerned as to how it will be, and still say I am conscious of being it. If I am conscious of being free, secure, healthy, and happy, I sustain these states of consciousness without effort or labor on my part.”

“Therefore, I am in the Sabbath; and because it was the Sabbath he rose and walked.” – Neville Goddard

Go To: It This Common State Blocking Your Blessing?



Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Feel It Real Secret of The Sabbath #1

how_to_feel_it_real_sabbath_1“If a man fails to fully impress upon himself the fact that he now has that which heretofore he desired to possess, he will continue to desire it, and therefore he will not be mentally at rest or satisfied.”

“If on the other hand, he succeeds in making this conscious adjustment so that upon emerging from the period of silence or his subjective six days of work, he knows by his feeling that he has the thing desired, then he automatically enters the Sabbath or the period of mental rest. – Neville Goddard

Go To: It This Common State Blocking Your Blessing?



Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – Control Attention

feel_it_real_quote_neville_goddard_everyone_free“As man begins to awaken he controls and takes over, and is no longer a victim of his vision, so he has control of his attention. Everyone is free to create his world as he wants it – if he knows that the whole thing is responding to him.” – Neville Goddard

Go to:  How to Defend Against Negative Imaginings

Source: Neville Goddard – The Law

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – The Secret of Certainty

how_to_feel_it_real_the_secret_of_certainty_neville_goddard“You can always tell the truth of any concept by the feeling of certainty which it inspires. When you imagine seeing the world as you desire it to be and are inspired as to its truth, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”

“I don’t care what it is; when you know what you want, you can make your desire so real, so natural that you will reach a feeling of certainty which no power in the world can stop.” – Neville Goddard

Should you be thinking smaller? (GO READ THIS)

Source: Neville Goddard – An Inner Conviction

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Who Is Satan? by Neville Goddard

neville_goddard_satan_devil“The word Satan means doubt. Desiring a certain state, reason may tell you it will be difficult to attain, and your friends may say it is impossible. If you listen to them and doubt your desire’s fulfillment, Satan has made himself known to you.”

“Your protractors – God and Satan – are always with you, for one is faith and the other doubt.”

“Can you imagine you are the one you would like to be, and remain faithful to that assumption? If you can and do, it will appear, and you will realize that its spiritual cause was the moment of assumption. ” – Neville Goddard

Go To: Neville and the Devil – Is there really a boogie man out there blocking your blessing? – Free Neville Goddard

Source: The Spiritual Cause by Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – The Day After

how_to_feel_it_real_day_after_neville_goddard“Now, you don’t have to be a prisoner physically to use this law. You could be imprisoned financially, socially, or intellectually. All you need is a keen desire to change.”

“And you can, by doing the same thing this gentlemen did; by imagining the scene that would take place the day after your wedding; the day after you received your promotion; the day after you were financially set free to live graciously. Choose your day after, and then imagine the scene that would take place.” – Neville Goddard

This lesson on how to Feel It Real is from:

The Lord Our Potter by Neville Goddard – 1969

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – Persist

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_assumption“Anything can be created by a mere assumption. When I dared to assume I was the man I wanted to be, I did not discuss it with others.”

“I simply persisted in my assumption and watched it harden into fact. That persistent act taught me that this world was a dream.” – Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real Lesson is from:

I Am Cause – Neville Goddard

Help With Manifesting

How To Feel It Real – The Tennis Ball

feel_it_real_neville_goddard_sensation“Imagination is defined as spiritual sensation. Come, let us now sense spiritual things that are not physically present. Right now I want you to feel a tennis ball, then a baseball, a volleyball, and a golf ball. They all feel different, do they not?”

“If you can discriminate between these different balls, are they not real? If you can touch a tennis ball and spiritually distinguish it from a baseball, it must exist, even though it is unseen by mortal eye. So you see: you can behold a thing that is not seen by the mortal eye as though it were, and if you do your faith in Jesus Christ will cause the unseen to become seen.” – Neville Goddard

Another great Feel It Real quote and lesson from:

Neville Goddard – Faith In God


“Ask yourself this simple question: What would it be like if it were true that I am now the person I want to be? Then reach for its feeling, its spiritual sensation. What is that? I’ll show you in a very simple way. Feel a piece of glass, now feel a baseball. Does the baseball feel like glass? Can you feel a tennis ball? Does it feel like a baseball or a piece of glass? Can you feel a piece of cloth, a violet, a piano? Do they all feel alike? Of course not. That’s spiritual sensation – a vivid way of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling reality.”

This version of the Tennis Ball Feel It Real Lesson is from:

Walk by Faith – Neville Goddard PDF

Help With Manifesting

Feel It Real – Neville Goddard

feel_it_real_greater_than_neville_goddard“You are infinitely greater than you think you are. You and I were together in eternity, which is everlastingly enduring. What cannot endure forever ceases to be! When God ceases to imagine something, it vanishes.” – Neville Goddard


This Feel It Real Quote is from:

God Only Acts – Neville Goddard Lecture

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Neville Goddard’s Streetcar Story

neville_goddard_streetcar_story“Taking the streetcar home from work that first Christmas Eve, she found the car filled with young boys and girls, singing and happy, and she could not restrain the tears. Lucky for her it was raining, so she extended her face to the heavens and let the rain mingle with her tears.”

“As she tasted the salt of her tears she said to herself: “This is not a streetcar, but a ship and I am not tasting my tears, but the salt of the sea in the wind.” While she physically held the rail of the streetcar, she mentally touched the rail of a ship moving into Samoa. Physically tasting the salt of her tears she imagined it was the salt of the sea.”

“As the streetcar reached its destination, she was entering the bay of Samoa, feeling the moonlight shining on her body and hearing a voice say: “Isn’t it a heavenly night.” Two weeks later this girl received a check for $3,000 from a law firm in Chicago. It seems that two years before, her aunt had left the United States, requesting that if she did not return, the money was to be given to her niece.”

“Within one month, the girl was on a ship sailing for Samoa. Coming into the bay, she saw a ship plowing through the water leaving lovely white foam in its path. As the moonlight touched the wake, its spray touched her face and a man standing near said: “Isn’t it a heavenly night.” At that moment her outer senses experienced what she had used her inner senses to make real!” – Neville Goddard

We love this story so much, we included it here:  The Manifesting Methods of Neville Goddard

Feel It Real Help With Manifesting

Feel It Real – Walk in Faith

feel_it_real_quote_walk_faithful“Walking faithful to my appropriated state I gradually become it. If I Disentangle myself from that state, eventually, I cease to be it, for that which requires a state of consciousness to embody itself cannot be embodied without such a state of consciousness.” Neville Goddard

This Feel It Real quote is from the lecture:

Feed My Sheep by Neville Goddard

Help With Manifesting

Thank You Father – Neville Goddard Quotes

neville_goddard_quote_no_other_god“Tonight take this law and apply it. I promise you it will not fail. When you go to bed dwell in your own wonderful human imagination and say: “Thank you, Father” as though you were addressing another.”

“You know you are thanking your human imagination, but while assuming you have what you want, thank your Father. You came out from the Father and came into the world. Now you are leaving the world and going to the Father. Eventually you will reach him, and when you do he is yourself. There is no other Father. There is no other God!” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard Quote is from the lecture: The New Christology

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Neville Goddard Quote on Inspired Action?

compelledYou are all imagination, and you must be wherever you are in imagination. And the whole thing is done by a motion in mind. The motion on the outside is under compulsion. The causative motion is within the mind. So, I move from where I am physically to where I would like to be physically; and if I really do the motion―if I really succeed, how would I know?”

“Well, then, look at the world. Would I see it from there? I should. Well, then, view the world from that assumption. I should see the whole vast world from that position in space if I have assume that I am there. At his very moment I assume that I am now in New York City, standing at a certain spot in the City; close my eyes to the obvious, and then think of San Francisco. Well, I should see it three thousand miles to the west of me. I should see it away beyond where I am standing if I am standing, in my imagination, in New York City.”

“Well, what would that do to me? That motion in mind would compel a physical motion to correspond to it; and you will awake to find the whole thing is changed. The whole structure of your world has changed, your plans have changed; and it will compel that physical journey. And you will walk across a bridge of incident―some series of events that you do not consciously plan. You will be compelled to make the journey. I speak from experience.

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

He is Dreaming Now

Help With Manifesting

What Is Memory? Neville Goddard Quote

IMG_1728“I tell it to you now in the hope that you will put yourself in an I-remember-when mood and trust your memory, because memory is your own wonderful human imagination, the one and only creative power of God scripture calls Jesus Christ.” – Nevile Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

I Remember When PDF Lecture

If you staying in the state of your wish fulfilled is hard at times, this article will help you with that: How Can I Stay In The State Of My Wish Fulfilled When

Help With Manifesting

Revsion Quotes by Neville Goddard

IMG_1718“Now let me share a letter from a friend. She said: “I am a freelance designer. I never seek work, but as I sit at home and imagine I am working, they call. In the past six months I have received very few orders from a company that kept me very busy in the past, so I called them to discover that they had employed a full-time art director and would no longer require my services.”

“After hanging up the phone I revised this conversation. I heard them tell me they had lots of work for me, and I felt the thrill in their words. One week later they called, asking me to design a 26-page book of institutional advertising, plus four ads for Harper’s Bazaar. – This was more then they had given me in the past at any one time.”

“Now I am busier, happier, and making more money than ever before, and my technique is simple. Sitting in my chair I quietly listen for the phone to ring, answer it in my imagination and hear the orders I desire to create – and they come.” – Neville Goddard

This Neville Goddard quote is from the lecture:

Seeing Christ Through The Eyes of Paul

How to Stop Blocking Money In Your Life – is one way we have used this very successfully.